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" You guys wanna go to the quarry today?" It was the hottest it had been all summer. Leanna layed on her bedroom floor in her jean shorts and a bra, with Mike sitting next to her. Bill and Richie sitting up on her bed, Eddie and Ben on the floor next to the bed and Stan beside Mike in a chair. The guys were so used to her walking around shirtless because of the heat, they didn't even care anymore. " I'd love to, how about you guys?" Ben asked hoping they would join him and Leanna. The losers all agreed and Leanna grabbed a tee shirt, just incase she ran into Henry Bowers. Henry never left Leanna alone, she hated him. They all got onto their bikes and started biking. And of course out of all days, there was Bowers and Patrick. " Gross. " Leanna said as she saw them smoking. She always thought it was just pointless and gross. They all continued biking, except Leanna. She stop for a second. He glanced at Leanna for a second before shouting back. " Hey slut. " Henry and Patrick both chuckled. She flipped the two boys off and biked away.
Once she caught up with the losers, they had reached the quarry. They all threw their bikes down and took their clothes off. Leanna, being her crazy self, just ran throwing her shirt off as she ran. She couldn't careless that she still had her shorts on her that Stan was laughing at her and following her. Leanna screamed, not from fear, but pure joy. As she hit the water, all she could think about was how nice the cold, clear water felt on her skin. About two seconds later Stan jumped in after her. He swam under Leanna and scooped her up in her arm making her hit him, out of defense and simply not knowing who was holding her. " hey what was that for? " Stan giggled. " You scared the shit out of me, STANLEY! " Leanna knew how much he hated when she called him that, but she didn't care. Stan began running, or at least trying to run in the water away from where the others were jumping. With Leanna still in his arms, he went under the water without any warning. " Stan are you trying to drown me? " Leanna shouted while starting to laugh a little to hard. " maybe. " Stan said while also laughing. Leanna jumped out of Stans arms, kissing him on the cheek. They both ran over to the rest of the losers and started splashing them. They continued splashing each other for a while then they got out to dry off before heading back to Leanna's house. Leanna layed down to dry off. All the boys stared like they had never seen her in a bra before. Stan looked over at the rest of the boys staring and laughed. " what are you laughing at Stan? " with a straight face Stan told them pretty much to fuck off and that she was his. " well no offense guys, but she doesn't kiss you guys so you clearly don't have a chance with her. Sorry. " they all stared at Stan like he had gone insane. The truth was, he was right. Leanna sat up and went and sat by Stan, resting her head on his shoulder. " ok, Stan. Steal the only girl I've ever thought was hot and would like me back. Whatever. " Richie said as if we had a "thing" but we never did, Leanna thought to herself making her giggle a little.

Back at Leanna's house, they all sat around her room. Thats when Bill got an idea. " h-how bout we build a fort! O-oh a-and watch a movie. " they all started grabbing blankets from all over the house. Eddie set up all the pillows with "reserved seating" as he called it.
It went Stan, Bill, Mike, Leanna, Richie, Ben and then Eddie.

Leanna didn't have a TV in her room so Mike and Bill drug the living room TV upstairs. They all decided that the Goonies was the best option. After about 20 minutes Leanna fell alseep on Mikes arm. Stan noticed and asked if Mike was ok with switching seats without waking up Leanna. Mike agreed and Stan slowing slipped into Mike's spot rest her head on his lap. As Stan stared down at how beautiful Leanna was to him, she slightly woke up. She just stared into his eyes smiling. She cuddled up to him as close as she could, while also holding his hand. Stan smiled and began watching the movie again. Thats when Ben got up, grabbed Leanna's poloriod camera and took a picture of two of them. Once the picture developed, Ben giggled noticing how Leanna and Stan were holding hands and both smiling, even in Leanna's sleep she smiled thinking about Stan.

Once the movie ended, Richie and Eddie wanted to watch another movie. Richie picked the Poltergeist.

The whole time Richie had a plan. Switch the movie, say that Eddie looked " scared " and sit with him.

Stan and Leanna curled up together on the floor, with Stan places a blanket over the two of them then kissing Leanna's cheek. "Friends. Yeah sure." Eddie whispered. "They said their just freinds, so their just friends." Mike said calmly but clearly. Mike was like my bestfriend since Eddie started to seem jealous, even though him and Richie clearly had something going on. Mike always said something when someone made a comment about Stan and Leanna behind my back. Leanna didn't want to say they were more than friends, even though they acted as though we were much more than that, because they were. Stan was Leanna's, and Leanna was Stan's. It had been that way since the kiss in the bath tub. They still said they were only friends... that just happen to fall in love with one another.

The next morning was a mess. All the losers were laying all over the place. Richie and Eddie were cuddled up on Leanna's bed, with Bill at the end half off the bed. Ben was laying on the floor beside the bed. Mike was laying on Ben's legs with a blanket covering his face. Stan had his legs rapped around Leanna, with his arm loosely around her waist. There were pillows and blankets all over the place. The TV was still on, but nothing was playing. Ben and Leanna were the first ones to wake up. They both smiled at each other and Ben gestured to go downstairs with him.

Ben and Leanna started making breakfast and dancing around the kitchen to Africa. Upstairs the rest of the losers woke up to hear Ben and Leanna giggling from downstairs. Stan slowly got up and went to see whatvwas going on. When he saw Leanna dancing around her kitchen, singing into a spatula, he felt one thing. Love. Stan watched Leanna's every move. The way her blue eyes looked in the moring sunlight, the way her body moved to the music, and her smile, her smile killed Stan. It wasn't a smile that everyone wanted, but Stan thought Leanna's was absolutely perfect.
Leanna didn't notice Stan. She continued to dance around in her shorts and bra, that she always wore. Leanna eventually flicked her short, messy hair out of her face, she saw Stan and started blushing at the sight of him smiling and watching her. She remembered last night, it felt like a dream everytime Stan and her did anything even slightly romantic. She slowly was starting to realize how in love she was.

By this point, Stan knew that he was in love with Leanna. It meant a lot to him. Most 14 year olds don't know about being in love, to them it's having a crush or thinking someone's cute, but Stan and Leanna both knew it was way more than that.

After a moment of just staring at eachother, Stan just felt the need to hold Leanna. Stan walked over and hugged Leanna, she blushed like crazy and smiled the entire time. It was a soft, loving hug. "Good morning." "Good moring Stan." As they stood in the middle of the kitchen, the rest of the boys stood behind them, silent, until Richie felt the need to say something stupid. " Oh shit, their gonna fuck! " Stan and Leanna turned around and both flipped him off. For some reason, that hug, that entire moring Leanna felt as though there was something special between her and Stan. Wait! What if he's in love with me too!? Leanna thought to herself. She looked into his brown eyes and just smiled, not caring that he was staring back. Ok enough, we are just friends, sorta. "After breakfast does anyone wanna go get icecream?"
Leanna suggested, knowing they'd all say yes. Once they all had breakfast, they biked to a icecream shop.

" I'll pay for everyone. " Leanna offered. " it's ok Leanna, I can pay." Mike offered but Leanna being her stubborn self, ending up paying anyways.

All of the losers went and sat in the grass beside the icecream shop. "Do you guys wanna spend the night at my place tonight? My mom's going away for the weekend." Eddie questioned. "I'm in if the rest of you are?" Everyone agreed to spend the night at Eddie's.

*Time skip to 11pm at Eddie's*

"Anyone want to play truth or dare?" All the losers sat around Eddie's bedroom with candy and chips, while a movie played in the backround. "Sure."

"Eddie,truth or dare?" Richie asked with a smirk on his face. " uh- dare I guess." Leanna and Richie were somewhat shocked that Eddie picked dare. "I dare you to...

*To be continued*

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