Poor pretty boy.

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Spencer's pov
I opened my eyes to see that my kidnapper David smiths was dead on the floor and Morgan was rushing up to me. All the commotion obviously brought attention to Garcia and Rossi who were looking around the house. Morgan searched David for a key to the chains whilst Garcia called the paramedics and also the team and Rossi applied pressure to the stab wound in my stomach. Morgan soon found the key and got the chains off of me. At this point the room was spinning, he had drugged me. It wasn't a lethal amount but in my condition, it could be serious.
"Reid, stay with me" Rossi was saying
I could feel my eyes fluttering.
"Rossi, he has been drugged," Morgan said
That was the last I remember before I shut my eyes.

Morgans pov
I went to the shed and the other two went on to search the house. That's when I saw him Spencer was all chained up he was badly beaten and also badly wounded I saw that his stomach was pouring out blood. The unsub was stood practically on the poor kid. I saw the kid go all loopy and he suddenly shouted gun that's when I saw him point the gun at my pretty boy, I shot him, it was an efficient kill it killed him before he hit the ground. I ran over to Spencer I then hear Garcia and Rossi come in. Garcia called people and Rossi applied pressure to the kids wound on his abdomen area. I searched the corpse for the key. I also notice the needle and small bottle of drugs. I rush the keys over to Rossi and I unlock the chains off spencer. He was heavily drugged. The paramedics came. They had to stabilize him. I pull out my phone and ring Hannah.
"Have you found spencer?" she said as soon as she picked up the phone.
"yes," I say and I sighed
"please tell me he is alive," she said nearly in tears
"i am going to get in the ambulance with him, he is in a bad way," I say
"Thank you, goodbye," she said
"bye," I hung up the phone.
I jumped into the back of the ambulance with Spencer. He had to live. He had too.
When we arrived at the hospital he was rushed into emergency surgery.
I was stood in the waiting room when the team arrived. I was pacing backward and forwards when my phone rang I saw that it was Hannah. I answered
"Hello," I said
"Derek, I'm sorry I can't do this me and Spencer will never work, I am heading back home. Please look after Spencer for me"
"What" I shouted
"I can't do this," she said
"Why not," I said trying not to snap
"Because what about if this did work and one day I am at home I am either pregnant or have children and you turn up at my door saying he was killed"
"It was nice talking Hannah, but I swear to whatever god if this kid breaks it is all of your faults. He doesn't deserve any of this"
"And he is Gay," she said
"No he is bi" I paused "goodbyes," I say as I put the phone down

"who was that" JJ asked
"Hannah, I think it is over," I say
"what why," Garcia said,
"she said that she can't do this and she doesn't like Spencer's job," I say as I slum into the seat
They all remained silent. It felt like days we were waiting. I was pacing about the room. Everyone was asleep apart from Rossi and I. I went over to the coffee machine and got my self a coffee when I walked back 5 minutes later a doctor walked in
"Dr. Reid," he said
"yes," I say
"The surgery was very difficult, he is stable and he is showing signs of waking up, I must warn you he had very high levels the Flunitrazepam In his system, so he will have symptoms of withdrawal."
"can we see him," I ask
"one at a time," he said
"he is in room 404," the doctor said as he left the room.
"guys," I say aloud
They all wake up.
"have you heard about Reid," Hotch asked
"yea, he is stable he is going to wake up soon, however, he had high levels of Flunitrazepam In his system, so he will have really bad withdrawal " I say
"Morgan should see him first," JJ said
"yea, go on chocolate thunder"
" thank you guys," I say as I head to room 404
As I walk in I see that spencer is starting to wake up.
"Hey, pretty boy," i say as i pull up a chair next to him.
"thank you," he said his throat cracking
"for what," i asked him
"saving my life yet again," he said
"its no problem"
he looked around the room
"did you tell Hannah," he asked me
I went quiet
"I'm a sorry kid, she is moving home, she said she can't be in a relationship with you because of your job," I said
Spencer sighed. "I knew it wasn't working out, I don't feel that kind of attraction to women anymore it's weird," he said
"Kid, i know that one," I said chuckling
"What do you mean," he said looking at me
I go to talk but he interupts me "Wait, you are telling me that YOU are gay," he said
"maybe, maybe not" we laughed en a doctor walks
"How are you feeling Dr. Reid"
"Okay, surprisingly"
The doctor looked at him. "i am afraid the next couple of weeks won't be that good"

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