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Season 2 themes

Spencer and Hannah messages
H: When are you coming home x
S: not for a while yet, it's a hard case
H: I would face time but I have a really bad headache from teaching
S: You go and get some sleep and I will do the same I have to be at the station early tomorrow. I love you lots ❤️
H: Alright, I love you too stay safe.xx

Spencer and Derek messages
SR: Derek Morgan, some make me bring the girls with me to kick your ass.
SR: I know you are awake.
SR: What have I done
SR: I will spam your phone
DM: I don't want to talk Reid
SR: You bug me so I will do the same.
DM: it's just stress
SR: Please just talk to me.
DM: my mom and I aren't talking and it's just playing on my mind and I felt really crappy today.
SR: Should I come over so you can talk.
DM: no we will talk after we finished this case.
SR: night Derek
DM: night pretty boy.

**2weeks later**
Spencer's pov
After 2 long weeks, we figured out who our unsub was. We all hopped into the SUVs and headed out to an abandoned cabin. When we got there we all split up. Hotch and I walked around the side of the cabin. Hotch kicked down the door and ran in, when went running in I felt something hit me on the back of the head before it all went black.

Hotch's pov
Finally, after 2 weeks, we have a lead. Reid and I head to the side of the cabin. The door was locked tightly some tried to kick it down. It opened on the first attempt I ran in first and I guessed the kid followed. When we fully searched the cabin and we all met in the middle well everyone except Reid. We search the full cabin and the outside of it when we see a small pool of blood on the floor. I pick up his gun which was still near the door there was also blood there. I look at the tire tracks. They were fresh but I realized no car was here. I look around for more pools of blood there was some and you go onto the road. By the looks of things, the unsub had knocked out Reid and dragged him up to the road. There wasn't much more we could do here so we had to head back to the station. With this unsub, he only had then 12 hours but it was rapidly getting slower. It was a race against time to find the missing agent.

Morgans pov
If that kid dies i will never be able to tell him. "we need to find him" i say as we all head back to the station.
"we will" jj said
"tobias" i say
"what" Emily said
"This will break the kid," i say.
"Tobias Hankel, he was the one who abducted Reid and drugged him," Hotch said

I wake up in a dingy shed. It was dimly lit and it also had a damp stench. I look around and i see a dark figure stood in the corner. They walked into the light. I go to speak then i realize that i had duck tape over my mouth. I looked at my ankles were taped together and my hands were chained to the chair. The man walked over to me. He unchained my hands from the chair but left the chains attached to my wrist. He pulled me up off the chair and grabbed the chains attached my wrists and attached them to the ones that were hanging off the ceiling. I was lifted slightly off the ground. As soon as i knew it i became a human boxing bag. His fist went straight to my stomach. Before long i could hardly breathe. I closed my eyes hoping this would be over soon. It felt like hours before i dropped to the floor. I opened my eyes again and i was being tied into the chair again. I look over to see that the unsub has a small bottle and a needle. I look at the bottle to see it labeled Flunitrazepam.
"Please no," i say quietly
He dosed me with the drugs and before long i blacked out.

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