Reece nodded. "And I'm sure you're hungry."

"You've done a good deed, Mr. Graves." Lynn turned back to filing, nearly bouncing with excitement. She could finally be done.

Reece was surprised at himself. Normally he was always putting on an act during a job, and he was always relieved to leave. Yet, he had actually been eager to see Adalynn. She was... Fun to be around. "Well, I do good deeds all the time."

Lynn snorted. "Clever response."

"I thought it was."

"There." Lynn slid the last drawer closed. She grabbed her blue purse from her desk. "Let's get out of here."

"Alright." Reece led the way out of the massive building to the street where he had parked.

After they got into his car, he turned to her.

"What do you feel like eating, Princess?"

"Can I be honest?"

"Go ahead."

Lynn couldn't stop her smile. "Fries and a burger. I haven't had plain fast food in forever."

Reece could have gone home happy from seeing that real smile. "Perfect." He was expecting her to say sushi or French cuisine like all his other targets. "Any particular place?"

Lynn shook her head. I don't remember what places are good anymore. You choose."

"Okay, if you're sure."

"I'm sure."

After Reece ordered the food, he began driving toward the beach, to the secluded spot he had told Adalynn about.

"Where are we going? I'm hungry, Reece. Can I just... Eat?"

"Patience, Princess. My mouth is watering too. We can suffer together for a minute."

Lynn gave a pout. "Fine."

He chuckled. "You're such a child."

"Well you're an oaf, so that makes it even." She retorted.

Reece shook his head.

Lynn studied the surroundings. "We're moving toward the ocean... But... Uh, just tell me."

"See for yourself." Reece turned down a narrow road.

"You're going to murder me and eat my share of the food, aren't you?" Lynn shook her head. "We're going to that little secluded beach you were talking about."

Reece shrugged. "You got me, Adalynn. Now the surprise is ruined."

Lynn's smile was smug. "Well you just need to work on your element of surprise."

"Apparently I don't." Reece countered. "I've made you jump more than once, Princess."

Lynn didn't say anything, knowing full well the reason she was so jumpy. He was an annoyingly attractive man, and she was always jumpy around beautiful people.

She looked out the window again, trying to catch where, exactly, they were. But with the surrounding trees, it was hard to tell.

Reece glanced over at Adalynn, watching with amusement as she chewed her bottom lip. She seemed to do that a lot.

Finally, the road curved and ended at a dirt road. Lynn was surprised when Reece didn't even hesitate to drive his fancy car onto the dusty path.

"This car isn't your baby?" Lynn joked, a laugh bubbling up in her chest.

The Thief's Stolen HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora