How Karma came to be.

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Did you know woman with high chakra reserves tend to rarely have miscarriages?
Especially if they have a large amount they rarely use?
You didn't?
Well let me tell you why.
You see during high risk or first time pregnancies a woman will naturally shield and saturate her womb with chakra to protect it. The more chakra the least likely it will die and the more it will take after the mother. Most woman don't have much chakra and as such they immediately feel the drain, this is why pregnant woman are immediately pulled off active duty and are a priority to feed since any usage of chakra could be extremely dangerous for the baby.
Uzumaki Kushina was not one of these woman.
With large Uzumaki chakra reserves and the nine tailed chakra beast sealed inside her whose chakra she rarely made use of when she fell pregnant in the middle of the 3rd Shinobi war she hardly noticed the difference of chakra and as such she continued on the frontlines for two months in stressful conditions without much food before she realized she was pregnant. This had consequences. As a first time and extremely high risk pregnancy due too this she needed a LOT of chakra too keep her baby alive. And so she unconsciously pulled on the Kyūbi's chakra... the result? When her child was born nine months later 2 years before the war ended 3 years before the Kyūbi was released from its seal by Uchiha Obito she had purple chakra, hair, and eyes plus odd whisker marks.

Karma Uzumaki. "The Ilusionist"Where stories live. Discover now