teasing under the table || grayson || dirty

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You and Grayson were at dinner with your friends and it was his first time meeting them . They were excited to meet him because I've always been talking about him so they wanted to meet the mystery man

" hello Grayson " they greeted him as they separately hug him

"Hello everyone " he replied back

We all sat down and started talking while eating

" describe what you feel for y/n " one of my friends said

I gave her a look to shut the fuck up

" no it's alright y/n I don't mind telling them my feelings for you " he said holding my hand with a smile on his face

" I really believe that you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I just want to make you happy. Because you're the reason that I'm so happy. It was the way you laughed, I knew I wanted that in my life. Sometimes I look at you and I wonder how I got to be so damn lucky. There isn't one person in this world that I want more than I want you. Till my last day, I'll be loving you. I love you so much y/n " he said looking in my eyes

I smiled and leaned in kissing him

" awwwww " they all said

We smile through the kiss and peck each other's lips one more time before pulling away

*later on in the dinner *

while my friends were getting to know Grayson more I wanted to do something

I place my hand on his thigh and he looked at me as I look at him while my hand started trailing up and rubbing slowly

" y/n , stop " he whispered looking at my friends to make sure they weren't looking , they weren't . They were talking amongst themselves

My hand laid on his area and I start moving my hand up and down it making him whimper

His hand was placed on my arm to try and move my hand away but it wouldn't work , he was in too much pleasure to have enough strength to pull me away

" fuck " he whimpers

" you're going to make me-" he said but got cut off by a moan

I pull away so he doesn't release and smirked at him

" watch y/n , you'll regret this " he told me

grayson dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now