One last death- Chapter 12

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{Tweek's P.O.V}
I woke up in to see my boyfriend petting my hair so I smiled and kissed him "Good morning!" I said enthusiastically

"Morning" he replied as I got up and jumped off of the bed to get dressed then downstairs, when Craig got down I grabbed his hands and we left through the front door to the snow covered town of South Park, as we walked I could feel Craig growing a little bit happier.. I should do this more often.

After a few hours of quality time together I noticed Craig kept staring at me more and more which really creeped me out "What are you staring at?!" I asked him starting to fear his new found gaze

"My dinner~" He winked, I looked at him in the eye then slapped him across the face blushing wildly

"Fuck off Craig!" I whisper yelled trying not to draw any attention to us, When we were done we went back home holding each other's hands while laughing and as soon as we got in Craig threw me onto the couch kissing my neck and biting it roughly "Ohh~ Craig!~" I moaned loudly grabbing Craig's hair while biting my lip before Craig picked me up by my legs and made his way over to the stairs kissing me, once we got upstairs he lowered me onto the bed keeping his hands on my body while removing my clothes slowly teasing me then doing the same to his clothes.

"Hehe~ you're obsessed with that show aren't you Craig~" I purred seeing his red racer
t-shirt after he took his jacket off

"Yup. *sigh* And you're really obsessed with me~" He cooed back pulling the shirt over his head then going back to kissing me, he then grabbed my hips softly while kissing my chest and running his hands through my hair as he did so.

{Craig's P.O.V}
I stopped kissing his chest, keeping my hands tangled in his blonde locks, looking him in the eyes lovingly "I love you so much Craig~" Tweek said moving closer to me but before he could get to touch me the door downstairs knocked "For fucksake!" Tweek yelled and started to get up

"Wait, do you want to get ready while I answer the door?" I asked

"Oh, so you can leave?"

"No. I'm done with trying to leave. Trust me." I told him as he thought for a minute and nodded

"Okay, you do that and I'll prepare myself... just please come back?"

"Of course hun~" I kissed him on the forehead then got my jacket on and walked down the stairs and opened the front door to see Stan there jumping backwards in surprise "W-What are YOU doing here?!" I yelled at him

"I'm here to save you." He said blankly, what is up with all these yanderes?, then he looked around behind me

"Wait Tweek isn't downstairs? That means you can leave! Come on!"


"What? Why?!"

"I don't wanna leave, I'm happy here."

"Oh god.. What has he done to you..." Stan whimpered before cupping my face and trying to kiss me which didn't last long at all as I tried to push him away from me but the one thing that separated us was Tweek punching marsh in the face again then he closed and locked the door dragging me upstairs back to his room throwing me on the bed like yesterday after taking my jacket off again then I noticed that he put my red racer t-shirt on along with his boxers, he grabbed some handcuffs out of his drawers and handcuffed me to the bed "Stay still Craig. You don't want to make me anymore angry do you?" He growled taking off his underwear and mine too then began to push down on me as he had already prepared himself while I went to answer the door.

He then waited while I got to adore him in my shirt, he was fucking adorable, after a few minutes he began to bounce making me moan in pleasure "Oh~ Tweekers~ You're amazing~" I groaned out as he got a little faster

"Why'd you have to stay there while he tried to kiss you Craig?" Tweek said sadly looking at my chest "Now I have to kill him..." he let out slowly

"What!? No! Tweek plea—" he shut me up by putting his hands around my throat and squeezing slightly, he kept bouncing and moaning loudly then leaning over kissed, bit and sucked my neck marking me as his.

He then stopped and panted before lifting himself off of me and then he pushed straight down onto me again quickly "Fuck!~" we both moaned in unison so he continued to do this until he started to pre-cum and his bounces got really sloppy but still powerful, I eventually came inside him the same time he came on my stomach a few minutes later and we panted heavily together and he slowly lowered himself onto my chest listening to my heart beating, "Craig, I love you~" Tweek told me

"I love you too sweetheart~" I told him back but he then got up and cleaned the our mess up and then pulled the blanket over me while I was still in the handcuffs

"I'll be right back..." he said putting on his pants still wearing my shirt

"Tweek come on, you're not really gonna kill him are you?" I asked

"....." he didn't answer

"T-Tweek!?" I yelled out as he closed the bedroom door and I listened as he walked downstairs and left the house.

{Tweek's P.O.V}
I was walking to Stark's pond with my arms behind my back with a knife underneath Craig's shirt, I walked over to the bench where I saw marsh sitting there with his head in his hands muttering to himself, "Ahem! Nice to see you marsh." I made myself known to him

"Oh, it's you.." he said annoyed after taking a glimpse in my direction

"That's kinda rude don't you think?"

"Well what you came here to do is probably ruder, ain't it Tweek?"

"How'd you—"

"You're a yandere and I tried to kiss your 'senpai' so what else are you here to do? Make friends with me? Hah!" He cut me off which pissed me off so I edged closer to him reaching for the knife on my side and pulled it out of the shirt swinging it at him but he dodged it

"Is this how you make friends? Well then let's get friendly~" Stan said as he grabbed me by my throat pushing me to the ground choking me, is this how it ends?, I realised I dropped the knife near the pond 'Fuck' I thought trying to move my arms towards it until Stan pinned my arm down and looked into my eyes smirking and laughing, I couldn't help the tears that ran down my face but I noticed that he was getting so caught up in his giggles that I managed to use my unoccupied hand to punch him in the neck knocking him off of me, immediately moving towards the knife grabbing it, gasping, before feeling Stan grab my ankle which made me swing the knife at him again and managed to hit him causing him to bleed and scream out muffled by his hand.

I then kicked him down and sat on his stomach drawing the blade in and out of his chest as many times as I could breathing heavily, I finally stopped and looked at him not breathing, bloody and no longer moving.

I stood up and caught my breath then realising I got blood on Craig's top "Shit!" I yelled under my breath then looked over at Stan's dead body with a mean glare picking him up and moving him into a comfortable position before walking far into the woods with my knife and his body dropping his body into a ditch and clawed dirt out of the ground and moved it all onto his body, burying him, and when I had finished the deed I looked towards the lake and pushed the knife into the dirt shoving it deeper down until I thought it wasn't going to end up anywhere important.

I walked back to my house extremely tired then I walked upstairs to see my boyfriend looking worried "I'm home..." I said smiling lazily

"Tweek I— HOLY SHIT ARE TOU OKAY?!?!" He yelled pulling on the handcuffs

"Yeah I'm fine... this is Stan's blood anyway..."

"No not the blood! The massive bruise on your neck!"

"What? What are you talki—" I remembered Stan had tried to choke me so I ran into the bathroom looking in the mirror and saw a massive and dark bruise on my neck "oh..god.." I let out then walked back to my bedroom and unhand-cuffed Craig and laying down with him after throwing his shirt under the bed.

I then hugged Craig tightly and he kissed me while he slowly fell asleep in my tired arms, Okay now I think he's in love with me, I thought to myself smiling while falling asleep too dreaming about wonderful things as I'm sure Craig was too.

Yandere!Tweek X Craig Where stories live. Discover now