Sorry 'Honey'~- Chapter 5

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{Craig's P.O.V}
I walked into the school looking for either Tweek or Kenny but the more I looked the more I thought they weren't going to be in today, until I looked at my phone and saw a missing person's report and it said that Kenny was missing, Fuck, I don't know why but I feel as if it's my fault that everyone is disappearing I mean people only started to disappear ever since I came here, am I the reason they're all gone? My thoughts were interrupted by Tweek grabbing my arm from behind me "Oh hey..." I said sadly "Hi Craig! Why are you so sad?"

"Kenny went missing..."

"Well I'd say it's about time!"

"What?! Tweek that is horrible! How would you feel if I said that about you?!" I was shocked at Tweek's answer and the face Tweek made showed me that he wasn't delighted by mine, He reached behind his back then a few seconds later I felt a sharp pain in the side of my neck with a swift move of Tweek's arm I then felt my muscles tense up and I started to feel tired, I passed out.
{Quite some time later}
I woke up in an unfamiliar but also rememberable place, I tried to get up but couldn't I was restrained to some sort of structure but before I could do anything else a door opened from on top of the stairs and I saw Tweek walk down the stairs, every movement slower than the other until he reached the bottom of the stairs he then walked over to me clutching a knife in his hand, he then dropped down to my level pushing the blade to the side of my face gently "T-Tweek? Wh-What are you-" I was cut off by him pushing the blade against my jawline with a little bit of force "You know Craig it hurt me that you said you liked Kenny... especially after everything I sacrificed to keep you as mine~"

"Wha-What are you talking about?!" I yelled out of fear "everyone 'who went missing' they all had a connection with each other, but can you guess what?" Tweek asked no fear or shakiness in his voice

"N-No—" I realised that Bebe, Red, and Kenny all knew me or had somehow shown love toward me "W-Wait you killed them?!" I yelled fearing for my life now

"Yes Craiggy~ I killed the people who tried to take you away from me~ but we've learned something from this experience, you know what that is?~"

"N-No I d-don't..."

"It's that I'm a really good actor~ I mean you fell for everything I did and said~ You put your trust in me and I destroyed it which I should apologise for... but can you blame me? I did all of those things to keep the most handsome boy in the world pure and all mine hahaha~"

"Y-You killed them all... FOR NO GOOD REASON YOU MANIAC!!!"

"Shush Craig, you don't wanna get on my bad side do you?~That would be against the rules anyway "
That sick bastard! So this is all a game to him?
"Tweek.. w-why? I thought you were my friend..."

"I don't want to be friends Craig~ I want to be so much more!~"

"Leave me alone!"

"Is that what you want?"


"Okay then I'll leave~" Tweek said as he walked back upstairs shutting the door behind him, I just sat there taking in all this new information I didn't think this was real, it can't be real!
I sat there for a good hour or so just waiting for that maniac to re-open the door and torture me, that would be just fine honestly, speaking of the devil he came back down covered in blood,Fuck!, What's he gonna do? Kill me? Then he walked closer to me and cupped my cheeks with his hands "The last one is finally dead Craig! Isn't that great!~" he said with a crazed look on his face

"W-What do you mean? The last one? DEAD?!"

"Yeah I invited Clyde over and well... offed him~"

"You m-monster! How could you!?" I started to tear up my emotions finally catching up with me "Oh my sweet Craig~ You only need me and I only need you~"

"Fuck off!" I said through gritted teeth

"Craig. Don't. Test. Me." Tweek said a hint of annoyance in his tone I didn't care he was a psychopath and who knows how long before he kills me "Craig. Look at me." Tweek said, no emotion in his voice,  I looked up to him scared and he grabbed my face tightly then pressed the blade of his knife against my jawline
"I'm not going to hurt you senpai~ but if you don't listen to me then I'll have no choice but to... correct you~"

"I hate you..." I said without thinking of the consequences, Tweek then grabbed my face tighter and then slid the knife against my jawline making me bleed, it stung, it fucking hurt "AHH!!" I screamed out

"Be quiet baby~ we don't want to tire ourselves out before we can get upstairs now, do we?~" all I could do was let out asphyxiated sobs as if I was being strangled, Tweek then looked at me regretting his actions then as I blacked out I heard a whimper "I'm so, so sorry honey..."

This is the end of chapter 5 chapter 6 should be out soon if not then tomorrow.

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