Why?...- Chapter 9

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{Craig's P.O.V}
I woke up to Tweek kissing my neck and I smiled then grabbed his hips which made him look up at me and I kissed him softly he then giggled as he got up and walked down the stairs with me following closely behind. I was sitting on the couch as Tweek was in the kitchen making us both coffee then I looked over to the front door and started to think about running again but truth is I actually liked this boy, even if he is a psychopath he's my psychopath~, "Craig?" I heard the blonde boy say

"Uhh.. Yeah?" I asked

"What were you looking at?"



"No! Of course not~" I said in a comforting tone watching his facial expression turn into a stubbornly angry one, shit, I then sat up and slowly sat him down in my lap kissing his face when he grabbed my hands then got back up taking me with him which I sighed at, he then took me into the kitchen then through the back door and dragged me to the forest behind his house "T-Tweek? W-Where are we going?!"

"You'll see..." Tweek responded with a hint of lust edging in his tone

"Am I being punished?"

"Perhaps... just be quiet, Craig!"

"Okay..." I responded to his demands.
We then arrived at a nice looking tree, it was and old cherry blossom tree, it looked really romantic and if his plan was to seduce me it was working~, "Sit." Tweek said sternly pointing to the flowers growing at the bottom of the tree so I did feeling kinda bad for crushing the beautiful flowers. He then sat down next to me holding my arm tightly "You know..." Tweek started "I always thought love was stupid and pointless, I mean well just think of it like this: you meet someone and you feel attracted to them and then you spend ludicrous amounts of time trying to get them to feel the same about you but while doing so you learn a few days later that you no longer like them and you've already fucked up because you're together so you can be an asshole and end the relationship or you can be a kiss ass and stay with the person beginning to hate the guts out of them only for them to cheat on you a few more days later which you make a big deal out of... you know what just forget what I said..." Tweek ended his statement losing his grip on my arm and bowing his head down to the floor

"Why do you feel that way?"

"I said forget it"

"No, why do you feel that way?!"

"Because it's happened with and to everyone who I have ever cared about! Okay!?" Tweek yelled frustrated and obviously tearing up.

"I-I'm Sorry..."

"It's fine ,you don't have to say anything, after all it was a massive over reaction."

"I love you..." I said holding onto his hand

"I love you too... please never leave me!" Tweek replied jumping into my lap, I assured him that I'd always be with him, he smiled and soon after kissed me so I melted into the kiss making him squeal in delight. He then moved away from me for air and even if he didn't have any of the coffee he made this morning I could still taste the mocha on his lips and tongue, Guess that's what people with a caffeine addiction taste like 24/7, I don't really like coffee but I only drink it as to keep the blonde twitchy boy on top of my lap happy, he's actually pretty cute when he's out of breath, he then caught his breath and started to lean forward again but before he could kiss me again he was pulled off of me and I was picked up to my feet by Stan marsh "Are you okay?" He asked but I didn't answer I just looked down at Tweek who's face told me he was about to kill him "Tweek calm down honey, please!"

"Are you kidding me Craig? People keep ruining our time together!!"

"Wait honey? So you two are..." Stan drifted his sentence off when he was then pulled down to the floor by Tweek his blonde hair falling into his face while he punched Stan repeatedly and I couldn't get them off of each other as they both fought "STOP!" I yelled they didn't listen so I pushed marsh down to the floor again and pulled Tweek off of him, feeling him move around in my grip was intimidating because when he has his eyes set on a target he doesn't give in then I saw marsh getting back up in the corner of my eye and then walk towards Tweek so I kicked him back to the ground picking Tweek up in my arms and dropping him down in the flowers near the tree and then dragging marsh off to the side by his shoulders and watched as he walked away with a bloody nose and a blackening eye "Nice job..." I said sarcastically "shut up Tucker!" Tweek yelled as if he had just been offended by something I said "You know i didn't think that you could do that much damage with just your fists~" I told Tweek trying to spark a cute or embarrassed reaction from him but got none. Tweek then pulled my down onto the flowerbed with him
"I love you" He reminded me

"I love you too, more than I love space~" I said, we both knew how much I fucking adored everything to do with space, He then kissed my lips "Yeah well I'd give up coffee for you..."

"Uh, are you alright? You had too much fresh air honey?" I teased

"Maybe... wanna take a nap before we go back inside?" He asked so I agreed then we shared one last sweet and loving kiss before falling asleep on the golden flowers that laid beneath us. I then woke up feeling like I was alone and I was I couldn't see Tweek anywhere but I didn't want to move just in case but I decided to look for him after twenty minutes of waiting, I looked inside of the house and found nothing then went back into the forest worrying a little, "Tweek?" I called into the forest I don't know why I  thought he was in the forest but maybe my stupidity could just be what helped me find my twitching blonde and it was but when I found him I felt sick to my stomach, Stan was standing over him holding a large butcher knife as Tweek laid there in a puddle of his own blood and a massive wound on his abdomen and it looked really bad he wasn't moving and it really didn't look like he was breathing either, I then grabbed Stan and threw him into one of the large oak trees that he was standing next to and picked my blood soaked boyfriend's body and ran all the way to hell's pass hospital...

This it the end of chapter 9 and chapter 10 will be out tomorrow hopefully earlier than this one because I was extremely tired and I also have lazyites anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you didn't find this sad, I really do not blame you I'm a horrible writer when it comes to sad things.

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