Selene followed the same principle of vibrating her cells using her chakra, vibrating it too heating it up for it to move. She tried to split her chakra for a physical clone yet it didn't work, nor using a bit of chakra. 'What if I half myself?' Selene thought concentrating on her own body and using her chakra trying to split her apart in mind of making a clone. Her chakra flared up covering her making a whirlwind before there was a sudden explosion from the pressure. The trees around her begun shaking violently from the pressure, the leaves were shooting off the twigs unable to keep themselves stuck. 

Selene's body begun shaking violently, vibrating making an afterimage. She growled out feeling her chakra leaving her, splitting. She forced it to mould of what she wanted it into, her own clone. Selene shot her eyes open when she felt a presence beside her, when she turned her eyes widened in surprise and accomplishment. Her own clone returned the same look making both of them smile before laughing. "I did it...jeez, took a long ass time to do it." Both them spoke simultaneously making them look at each other and laugh again. 

"So? What now?" The clone asked glancing at Selene offering a hand to stand up which she gladly accepted. "Well...I wanted to test what kind of clone you are. It seems that my chakra was halved when I made you, so I've been thinking of something I remember. I remember some ninja was able to split himself into two, so now I'm thinking whether or not I did that." Selene explained making the clone nod. "Actually I was thinking the same thing. Lets test it then." The clone spoke smirking Selene's smirk, making her smirk too dropping into a taijutsu stance. "Well then..." "Lets dance."

Hours later both Selene and her clone were laying down on the ground exhausted, their surroundings were destroyed from their overpowered taijutsu only match. "Seems I made a real clone, a copy of myself." "Yeah, seems that way. I didn't dispel due to taking damage nor running low on chakra. Seems that..." "We were right, you are me and I am you. Two Selene Uzumaki's." The both of them finished each other sentences before turning to the side sensing Shizune. "Is there something you need, Shizune-san?" Selene asked lifting herself to a sitting position seeing Shizune leaving her hiding spot. 

"No, its show so much talent, plus was able to perform a difficult jutsu without any help. I can say that I admire your strength." Shizune spoke coming up close to the two while they stood up to look at her. 'Ah the memories of being tall...yet I wasn't so tall in my previous life, I was only 176.5 cm tall. And remembering the height of Naruto and Sasuke when they grow up they were at least like 180 cm?' Selene thought looking slightly down at Shizune. 

"I've been wondering Shizune-san...about Lady Tsunade, 3 days from now on. Is she planning on meeting up with Orochimaru?" Selene asked out of the bloom making Shizune flinch. 'How does she know about that?' Shizune thought. "Meeting with Orochimaru? I doubt that, she clearly got her point across of hating his guts." Shizune played dumb while Selene just grinned and walked closer to her standing face to face. 'Those eyes...what has Lady Tsunade saw in them that made her cautious? Those eyes...' Shizune thought getting mesmerised in them, her heart quicken while her body heated up.

'Why...why don't I feel any presence of a girl? seems like I'm talking to a man, a man with confidence and power behind him. A reliable, dependable man...a man of good will, the will of fire.' Shizune thought before flinching having her chin gently touched by Selene while she stared into her eyes. "Shizune-san...I-I'm sorry but...this will be hard to explain." Selene muttered feeling the burning sensation in her, the urges were back. Her animal instincts, the predatory dominance. She was holding her back since seeing Tsunade but seeing Shizune now had released those urges.

Selene leaned in kissing Shizune who was taken aback by that, she was about to push her away but was brought even closer. Her back quirked back with Selene's touch bringing them softly down to the ground. Selene continued on deeply kissing Shizune while strolling her hand across her body down to her thighs. 'Why...why is my mind going blank? This feeling...sensation...I-I want it more.' Shizune thought getting her body turned on, she brought her hands around Selene's neck. 

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