Traverse Town

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I opened my eyes to find myself floating in a lake in some cave. In the middle of this cave was a small hut, with rocks leading towards the shore.

"Where in the world am I?" I asked puzzled by my new surroundings, "I don't remember Destiny Island having a cave like this. I should get out of this water though."

I swam towards one of the rocks since I was closer to them than the shore. As I reached for the rock, the rock moved away from me.

"The hell?" I growled, then tried to grab onto another rock. Only to have it move away again, "Guess I have to swim to the shore. I'm not going to fight these rocks for no reason."

Finally making it to dry land, I watch as the rocks started to move back and forth sideways, as if daring me to try and get across. I stared beyond the rocks, to the hut.

"I wonder if someone actually lives there," I wondered, "Maybe they can help me find out where I am exactly." Returning my attention to the rocks, I prepared myself to jump, "Here goes nothing!"

"Pardon me," I hear a voice say behind me. Startling me, I slipped on the jump, landing back in the lake. Growling, I turned back to shore to see who it was. It was an elderly man with pale skin and thin arms and legs. His nose is a bit large and his black eyes are rather small and close-set. He wore spectacles with circular lenses. He also has bushy eyebrows, a walrus mustache, and a long, floor-length beard, all of which are white. The man was dressed in a sky blue cloak that stops just above his ankles and has large, hanging sleeves. He wore pointed slippers and a tall, floppy, conical hat, both of which are the same sky blue color as his cloak. The man chuckled at my clumsy attempt, as he reached his hand out to me, "My apologise, my dear, it was not my intention to scare you."

"Well, that's what happens when you appear behind someone," I snapped, shivering from the cold water.

The man just laughed again, "I suppose you have a point, my dear. Let's get you to my hut to warm up."

"No offense, but I'm really not in the mood to attempt another jump," I said staring at the rocks.

The man laughed again, pulling out a brown wand from his sleeve, "Don't worry my dear, I have a better way."

With a flick of his wrist, a cloud of pink smoke surrounded us, when the smoke cleared we appeared to be inside the hut. The hut was dark and full of cobwebs.

"Oh dear," said the man, before waving his wand again. In a blink of an eye, the hut was transformed. Books covered the inside as well as candles to light up the place. The man sat me down on the bed and place a blanket to keep me warm.

"Th-Thank you," I said bashfully, I wasn't exactly kind to him when he appeared.

"Not a problem, my dear," the man smiled, "If I'm being honest I wasn't expecting you here so soon. Well, no time like the present. My name is Merlin, I'm a time-traveling wizard."

"Nice to meet you, Merlin, I'm Xidel," I introduced, "What did you mean when you said you were expecting me?"

"Well I wasn't just expecting you, I thought three others were supposed to be with you," explained Merlin.

"Three others?" I asked then realized, "Sora, Kairi, Riku! Are they here? Where are they?"

"Now now my dear, there's no need to panic," Merlin said calming me down, "One of my associates should be able to answer those questions for you."

"Associates?" I asked, "There are more wizards like you here?"

Merlin laughed, "Ho ho no my dear there are very few wizards like me. You'll see let's be on our way."

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