Chapter 21 - Murder #6

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Orlando, Florida

July 2nd, 2019

Roughly 9:30pm

The words from the mysterious voice of Mr. Masquerade resonate in the night air, chilling everyone to the bone. A haunting line, creepy like a sick serial killer's twisted game of murder. Eventually, they realize that there is no escape and that they must carry on. And so they re-enter the castle, reluctantly.

Brendan stands in the center of the area, the corridor still dark and daunting. "Okay, seriously, are any of you killing people here? If so, why?"

"You think if any of us were, we'd answer you, Gally? You're a moron and clearly have no criminal justice knowledge..." Jonne chuckles.

"Tammela, now is not the time for sarcastic remarks. In fact, I'm throwing the blame your way!" Ville snaps.

Jonne steps backward in shock. "Meskanen, throwing your own countrymen under the bus..."

"It's always who you least expect it to be right?" Timo questions. "From what I've gathered from crime shows and all that is...I think Roope, Vladdy or Tayler Thompson is the killer!" He holds his head up high.

"Says the Shark who hand passed the puck right into the net on purpose," Vladdy grumbles.

"You really think TT's the killer?" Colby snarls out. "How about Butterflies?"

"Colby McAuley, you're accusing your dear butterflies? I am your butterflies, young man!" Yanni snarls back, lashing his tail back and forth. "And you EVER blame Vladdy, I'll butterflies you so hard in the butterflies!"

Timo cocks his head to one side. "You understand Lightning tiger speak?"

Vladdy folds his arms. "There's a child present, of course he's going to A-D-D bleep himself."

Yanni roars and charges at Timo, tackling him to the ground. Tails, claws and fur flies as they tussle with one another. Colby jumps off TT's shoulder and bounds for the skirmish, intent on joining in.

"Oh, Coco, no! You is just babyyyyyyy," TT cries out, snatching him up before he can reach them.

Colby chuffs in frustration. "Am not a baby!"

"You know, I know Raddy REALLY liked you Boris, but I know you view...that as a more ideal mate...maybe you killed Raddy off to make it a LOT easier!" Ross snarls. "And you'll take me out next."

Alex glances over his mirror, raising one eyebrow up. "Don't flatter yourself. Katzy's always loved me and just me. And we all know Raddy would much rather flock to your drunken ass anyway."

"You know, we're forgetting one thing here, each of the victims so far has a connection to one person here in particular..." Otto suddenly shouts out, before throwing his hand in the direction of Jonne. "Jonne Tammela! Mitch is your punching bag since Brett left, Brayden's your idol...maybe, Raddy's a 'friend', Ben Thomas likes to take embarrassing pictures of you, Kasperi's Finnish...need I go on explaining?"

Jonne blinks in shock. "Somppikins, your jokin' right?"

Otto frowns and folds his arms. "I bet you, he'll kill Timo, Roope or myself next!"

"Yeah, good point, Otto," Ross growls, glaring in Jonne's direction. "He's always picking on everyone too."

"That's true," Boris agrees with a growl.

"Thank you," Ville sighs out.

"I didn't do it! I would NEVER do it!" Jonne snaps. "Timo, tell them!"

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