Casual fountain conversations amiright?

Start from the beginning

His gaze fell, hands resting on my wrist.
Link nodded and took a deep breath, sniffling once again.

"Mmh... come, follow me. A champion such as yourself shouldn't have to sleep outside and in the cold."

Link laughed as I stood up. He took my hand and walked with me up the stairs to the upper levels.

Everyone was asleep in the pools, but no, no, no, that just wouldn't do. How could it? Link cannot swim! Plus, I'm sure the waters would be cold to his tastes.

I sighed and shook my head, leading him up more stairs.

'Where are we going?' He signed with one eyebrow raised, taking his small hand out of mine.

"You'll see." Was my reply.

Link continued to follow me like a puppy, looking around at everything curiously.

"I'm guessing you have never been this way?" I hummed, admiring the adventurer.

Eyes which were filled with tears not even five minutes ago were filled with so much wonder now. It was... amazing.

Link looked back up at me with a sort of smile glued to his face. He shook his head and continued to look around.

"Ah, well... it would make sense. This is the way to my bedchambers after all." I laughed, gaze shifting from the Hylian up to the night sky.

Link held my hand again, a new sort of redness to his ears.

That made me laugh some more, as I opened the double doors.

Guards looked at Link before just staring back forward emotionlessly. Usually we were able to joke, but I guess today was different. Maybe they were just tired too...

Hesitantly Link stepped inside of the room, one hand touching the handle of the master sword.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, my hero. It is just a bedroom. The bed will not eat you, I promise." I chuckled and walked out onto the balcony. Leaving the Hylian to wander around as he pleased.

The sounds of little footsteps got closer, and blond hair popped up next to me, under my arm fin.

"Why hello there." I said with a smile, looking down at him before back over the balcony. Gazing up at the stars once more.

Link stood on my feet to just barely peek over the railing. That made me laugh.

"Here, let me help you."

'I got it.' He signed and climbed up the railing as if attempting to mount a horse. Link let me put my hand on the other side of him, making sure he wouldn't fall backwards and hit his head on the hard floor.

Sure, he was capable. He was stronger than me, no doubt about it. But... I do not know, something just told me to protect the poor thing.

Link grabbed something from his tattered bag and put it to his lips.

A mesmerizing melody began to play.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. I enjoyed everything about this.

The company, the soft music, the cool night breeze, the stars above me. Oh how I admired the stars...

I don't know what started my fascination with those bright specks in the sky. Maybe it was the fact that since Ruta had started to act up, clouds covered everything up there. But regardless of the reason, they somehow calmed me.

Or maybe it was Link who calmed me...

The melody, which emanated from the small device he had used earlier in the tree, seemed to trail off. Making me open my eyes once more and come back to reality.

Link let his hands fall into his lap, thumb absentmindedly stroking the instrument.

He leaned back against my shoulder with an exhale. Seemingly lost in thought about something.

I felt a small hand on my own and... surprisingly, Link held my hand. He let it rest in his lap alongside the blue handheld instrument.

"My pearl...?" I half questioned, half whispered.

Link smiled a little, shoulders shaking in a momentary laugh.
Our gaze met and...

'Thank you.' Link signed, looking away and back out towards the water.

I sighed contently and followed his gaze.

And for a moment... everything was calm. Everything was alright. Nobody was in danger, there were no royal duties to attend to, and I wasn't alone.

No, I wasn't... Link was here. And I knew he would be gone as soon as the sun was up in the morning. But... just for now, just for tonight... things looked up.

Of course, there was not much time to rest. Not as a prince, and not as the savior of Hyrule...

The same thought was probably running through our minds. The thought that this was just the calm before a storm, one the likes of which nobody has seen in a century.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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