CHAPTER 3 - Heated

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The guests have not arrived yet and I'm checking that everything is indeed ready, the table is set, the trays with glasses and coffee mugs are set to the side, and the coffee is brewing. I checked that the food has arrived from one of the Italian restaurants that the De Lucas own, everything is ready and my nerves are setting in. I have no idea what Romeo De Luca looks like or his henchmen and he has a guest with his three men.

It's time, the men arrive, and I am with Jake at the bar so I don't see them, Valencia has greeted them and taken them to the meeting room. She summons me to bring the bourbon. Jake gives me the expensive liquor and I carry up the bottle on a tray, and knock on the door. "Enter", I hear a deep voice with a slight Italian accent, it sounds oddly familiar, but I shake it off. I walk in and my heart stops, Romeo De Luca is the guy that helped me last night? He's the Don? Oh my God!

"Cara (dear), would you be so kind as to serve the guests a bourbon?" He asks me politely, he isn't using my name. I nod and set out the glasses and pour each of the six men their drinks and place some ashtrays as I see they are smokers.

"Would that be all sir?" I ask.

"Could you bring us some lunch? I'm sure our guests are hungry." I nod in acknowledgement and walk out as I ask Jake to help me bring in the various dishes of Pastas and lasagne’s and salads. We prepare each plate as per each of the men's specifications and top up their drinks. As I am serving I discreetly have a look at Romeo and he's watching me intensely, this man is so handsome, a face of a God but the devil in carnet, I know I have heard the stories from Mari and the other girls, but I just never expected such a young gorgeous man. I feel his stare burn a hole into my back, it's really unnerving.

They never discuss anything in front of us, but as soon as the door closes I can hear Italian being spoken. After a few refills and some coffee the meeting is finally over, it lasted at least three hours. I actually feel slightly exhausted, I see the men walk out shaking hands and they respectfully nod to Jake and me as they leave, but Romeo stops. "Luc, Dario and Leo, I will be out in a minute, bring the car around", without saying a word they nod leaving.

"Alina, thank you for your service today, it was appreciated beyond measure. Are you working tonight?" Romeo asks.

"Yes, I have a shift this evening, but I won't be working all night." I answer nervously. Romeo stares at me and gives a ghost of a smile.

"I will see you tonight then." Romeo says with a polite nod and leaves, leaving me a bit shocked. I stare at the door, what just happened?

I go to the break room and change into my uniform, not dancing tonight and will be serving with Mari and Donna. Hillary, Jessica and Brandi are on booths and then waitressing later on. Seven hits before I know it and I am working the tables for a while with Mari and Donna, I finish and wipe my tables and before I can get ready to leave Valencia comes to me. "Alina honey, I have a request for you and Mari tonight", she says a bit hesitantly and continues. "Romeo is here with Dario and Leo and he wants you for a private dance and conversation, Mari and Donna will be with the other two, but Romeo wants you, before you freak out, I told him no sex, but he is the owner so I do need to keep him happy, he also instructed that you do not dance for anyone else but him, if he's not here you do not go private."

I'm taken back, and extremely hesitant, I guess I don't want to be fired, and have to do this. "Valencia, it's against my morals to do this, but I will make an exception, why doesn't he want Hillary?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"He just doesn't want her, he doesn't really do this. It's the first time in forever I have heard him request this, his guys will usually go for this but not him, so I would like to make him happy, also wear black lingerie, thigh highs and black pumps, it's a request." She shrugs, and I sigh heavily but accept. I get ready and curl my hair and put on some smoky make up and a nude lip, and get out my best black lace lingerie and spray on some of my perfume lightly, I'm so nervous. This is the biggest Mafia boss in the world, he seems so cold, I'm petrified.

I make my way over to the VIP section which has been closed off for tonight, trying to brush off my nerves, I see Mari is on Leo and Donna is on Dario’s lap, they are chatting and having a laugh. As I walk in further to the back I see Romeo sitting having a sip of his drink, he's dressed in a black t-shirt, black jeans and a black biker boot with a black leather jacket. He looks so different, young and not as serious as he did earlier. He sees me and he smiles, removing his jacket. "Please have a seat Alina, would you like some champagne?" Romeo asks smoothly, I nod, I need something for my nerves, I see his muscles straining through his t-shirt and I notice he has tattoo's down his one arm an actual full sleeve and a few on the other, a half sleeve, it's a bit dark so I can't see what they are, this man is positively sinful, he's so gorgeous.

He gestures for me to sit next to him and I do as I'm told, really not sure how this works. "I'm sorry Mr De Luca, I have never done a private booth before, so I apologise, I'm slightly nervous." I say apologetically.

"That's quite alright, Valencia has informed me. Don't be nervous, you don't have to do anything you are not comfortable doing. I simply think you are striking and wanted your company." He smiles and I notice his perfect white teeth. Is there a part of this man that isn't perfect? He places a hand on my knee as he passes me a glass of champagne, I notice that this booth cannot be seen by Mari or Donna and his men, it really is private. I shiver at the contact of his hand and he notices this. "Don't be nervous bella." I smile at him, he really is gorgeous. "Come sit on my lap." He asks, I nervously get up and sit down gracefully on his lap, I feel like there's electricity coursing through my veins at the contact, my breath hitches, and he stares intensely into my eyes, he doesn't give much away. Eventually he speaks and my heart is pounding, "you really are beautiful, tell me about yourself," it's more a soft demand than a question.

"Well there's not much to tell, I lived in LA for a few years, Marissa the other dancer is my best friend, other than that I keep to myself, I prefer it that way." I say hoping this man will not go poking around in my past. He raises his perfect dark eyebrow at me, and has a smirk clearly realising I am not giving much away.

"Ballerai per me bellissima?" (Will you dance for me beautiful?) Romeo asks and I nod as I get up and start moving, hearing him speak Italian is quite hot. As I move in front of him I just realise he knows I understand Italian - shit! I play dumb and carry on dancing, as I have my back to him moving seductively I feel two hands on my waist.

Romeo POV:

This girl isn't giving much away, one thing I did realise as a test is that she understands Italian, well I took a chance since her name is Italian. I have to admit having her near me after seeing her dance the other night is giving me much pleasure and she hasn't said or done much, just having her near me feels good. I have to admit, her vanilla jasmine perfume is intoxicating as are her bright blue eyes. I watch her move perfectly and seductively in front of me, and I push my luck and lean forward putting my hands on her tiny waist.

She turns around and stares dead into my eyes as if she can see into my dark twisted soul. I swallow slowly and she comes closer moving my legs slightly apart and puts her tiny hands on my shoulders and straddles me. This girl has guts, nobody does this, in all the years the few girls I had dance were never this bold. I watch her intensely as she puts her hands on my shoulders and moves on me, her perfect ample breasts in my face as she moves and rolls her hips but not touching my crotch, I have to admit she's getting me hard. Let's see her reaction, I place my hands on her hips and pull her down onto dick, I see her lips part and she gasps - that's right baby, feel it. She takes control and grinds into me and I can't help but hiss through my teeth, all this time we are staring into each other’s eyes never breaking eye contact, breathing heavier, bright blue to darker blue. I sit up and move my hands to her back running it up slowly and breathe in her neck, I find her spot almost immediately and she throws her head back and grinds a bit harder. Fuck me this is getting a bit intense, I would fuck her right here right now.

She takes me by surprise and moves her hand down between us and squeezes my dick through my jean, and I twitch, she has a wicked little smile, the minx knows she literally has me by the balls. Just as things get heavier I hear Leo call me, "boss?"

"What!" I nearly shout at him, my voice slightly strained and I see his naughty smirk. "What do you want Leo?" I ask clearing my throat and I hold Alina still.

"We have a situation." Is all Leo says, and I nod sighing, he stands waiting expecting me to get up and the little shit knows I can't get up right now.

"I will meet you in a minute." I say glaring at him and he walks away chuckling. Alina gets off me, and I throw back the rest of my bourbon and get up adjusting myself and put on my gun holster and leather jacket. "Alina, thank you for an entertaining evening, Valencia will give you your payment," she nods and doesn't say anything, she almost looks disgusted. For some reason it doesn't sit well, I bid her goodnight and run into Hillary on the way out she's all over me, I push the bitch aside and carry on walking.

Valencia comes to me, "Valencia, here is the payment for Alina, I will definitely be using her again. I have some business, see you soon bella, and keep that Hillary on a fucking leash." I say to Valencia and she nods as I take my leave.

Dario comes to me, "boss the Toscano's are moving in on one of our shipments, Leo got some Intel from an informant.  I nod and we get into the SUV.

"Dario, send a team to the docks, Leo, I need a backup team in case they need help, also make sure the house and clubs are heavily guarded. We don't know what they are up too. I will call Luc and have him go to The Underground and make sure Valencia and the girls are safe. I don't want Luc in the cross fire, so I will go with you Dario." I say rattling off my instructions.

"Yes boss." They say in unison and they start making calls.
This is going to be a long night.
It really has been a long night, I arrive at my mansion, and have a drink and a smoke, I'm covered in blood but this is the way of life, the De Luca way. Leo is managing the clean-up and I'm sitting here and all I can think about is the raven haired beauty at The Underground. What is her story? She looks Italian, she understands Italian.

"Dario!" I shout. He shows up immediately. "Find out all you can about Alina Johnson. Something isn't feeling right about this girl."

"On it Rome." He answers and walks away; I need a fucking shower and sleep. Leo brought some girls over to our entertainment area; I need to fuck this girl out of my system. I have a shower and motion for one of the girls, a brunette, I guess she will do, and we head to a guest room and I have my way with her, but all I can see are two bright blue eyes and raven hair. I leave the girl when I'm done and tell her to fuck off, she's just a means to an end, I go to my bedroom and sit on the end of my bed, sleep evades me. I get up and have another shower and go down to my office to work.

I need to focus.

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