Jace lunges again, Indiana throws her shoulder into Jace's, his grip loosens on his blade and Indiana takes the opportunity to kick his hand hard, the seraph blade goes flying. Their down to hand to hand.

Jace was shocked when Indiana took the initiative to run at him first. She swung at his head, he ducked kneeing her in the stomach. Winded but determined Indiana wrapped her arms around Jace's knee and pulled, sending him to ground. She quickly pinned him but as the stronger and more experienced fighter he quickly turned the situation around. He now pinned her down.

Indiana grinned,
"Draw." She said as she raised a small knife Jace was unaware she had to his neck.
Laughing Jace got up pulling her to her feet.

Jace drew Indiana's attention to a woman she did not recognise.
"Maryse. Hey. It's great to see you." Jace hugs the women,
"How's everyone in Idris? Where's, uh where's Max?" Jace questions, pulling out of the hug.

"No Max. Just Mom with her hair on fire." Izzy answers,
"I love how Shadowhunters share. A hidden brother, and a secret country, and a private Portal." Clary sarcastically adds as Maryse turns to Indiana.
"And who are you?" She questioned,
"Indiana Fairchild ma'am." She states holding her hand out respectfully, Maryse takes it with a firm grip as Alec joins the group.

"Mother. Welcome back. We didn't expect you." Alec says as he hugs his mother, but Indiana notices it's pitiful compared to the hug she gave Jace and wonders why.
"You should be prepared, whether you expect me or not." Maryse berates him,
"I am. We are." Alec corrects himself.

"We'll talk about the Institute later. Right now, we have a bigger problem. The Seelies have stopped communicating with the Clave and won't explain why. My guess is they're still upset we asked them to send scouts to look for Valentine, but no one in their realm will talk." Maryse states as she circles the group,

"I have Seelie friends." Izzy speaks only to be shot down by her mothers look of disdain,
"Yes, I know about your friends. Isabelle, we stay separate from the Downworld for good reasons. The wrong move, the wrong word. Do you think there is such a thing as harmless rebellion? Who knows what offends these creatures? Maybe you told him them something they shouldn't know.
Maybe you trod on one of their ridiculous customs without knowing it." Maryse lectures causing the girl to look down,
"Wait, wait. I don't understand.
You're laying all this on Izzy for having a friend in the Downworld?" Jace questions Maryse confused.

"When someone upsets the natural order, everything falls apart." Maryse dictates,
"Natural order? What are you saying?" Clary is ignored.
"I can help. I know how to talk to Seelies." Izzy steps forward again,
"She's right. She can visit with Meliorn and see what he knows. I could go with her if you want." Alec suggests, desperate to please his mother,
"I'd rather Jace goes along this time. Alec, you stay with the Fairchild girl. I want her under control. She's caused enough trouble already." Everyone notices she said Fairchild 'girl' not 'girls' and Clary steps forward,
"Maybe that's because I wasn't even a Shadowhunter until a few days ago!" Clary defends herself.
"And what an exciting few days it has been." Maryse mocks,
"The Clave counts on us Lightwoods to maintain order here." She continues,
"You don't need to tell me that. If the mission is important to the Clave, I would prefer to be the one who goes with Isabelle." Alec pushes.

"If it's any help, I also know how to talk to seelies." At Maryse's look she explains, "after finding out about this world I realised I had no knowledge so I've been attending the library to read up on both Shadowhunter and Downworlder customs." Indiana explains.

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