Chapter One

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"Why would you do that? How could you," his voice broke as a sob left his mouth. "Do that? How?" Colby didn't know what to say. He just repeated that it was a prank and hugged him again.

"I'm really, really sorry Sammy." He didn't know what else to say. They broke apart again. Pepper walked over to them to apologize to Sam and to give Colby a high five.

"Hey Sam. I'm really sorry about all this. Didn't think you'd take it so hard." He laughed and placed his hand on his shoulder causing Sam to jump. "Oh come on dude. I'm not actually gonna hurt you." He grinned at Colby as he swung his arm around Sam. Colby had smiled back but it fell when he heard Sam scream.

"Don't! Don't touch me! Please!" Sam's words came out frantic. He shoved Pepper away from him and booked it to Colby's side. "Please." This was quite and muffled either because he had buried his face in Colby's chest or because of his sobs that had resurfaced. Colby felt a sharp pain in his chest. He knew it was guilt.

He leaned down quickly to whisper for only Sam to hear. "You're safe now Sam. I got you." He wanted to make sure Sam knew that this was it. It was just a prank and it's over now. "I think we should be going. We'll check up with you later Pepper." They said their goodbyes and Colby guided Sam down the stairs and into the elevator.

Once inside, Sam went to the corner and slid down the wall. He pulled his knees to his chest and buried his face deeply into his thighs. Colby watched as his small body shook uncontrollably. He wanted to say something, do something, but he didn't know what. He didn't know how he could comfort his best friend of many years after what he had just witnessed. He knew the boys pain was his fault. He knew none of this would have happened if he would have just told Pepper off but he didn't. Now he would have to deal with the consequences.

It broke his heart too much to watch his friend breakdown so he turned his attention instead to the number above his head that was slowly counting down to one. The neon glow of the sign covered his face fully. Wrapping him in the same colour green he felt. His stomach wouldn't stop twisting and turning. Making him feel more uneasy then he already had. He folded his arms across his torso and spared a look back at the broken boy behind him as the number ticked to the last one and the doors opened.

"Come on Sammy. Time to go home." He put his hand on the blonds' arm and traced an invisible line down to his hand. He took it in his own, much larger one, and pulled him to his unsteady feet. He leaned against Colby and let out a heavy sigh. It seemed that the events from the day had worn him out. Colby once again felt that now familiar, awful feeling coarse through him. He wrapped his arm around the smaller boy and walked into the lobby of the building and out the front doors.

He had to walk slower then he usually did because Sam was finding it difficult to walk at a speed faster than a sloth. Not that he minded. He knew that helping him to the car was the least he could do. He couldn't help but squeeze Sam's hip ever so slightly. Almost like an unspoken apology after all the ones he had spoken before. Much to his surprise, Sam gave a quick, less tight, one back.

Once to the car Colby helped Sam in and then walked over to the drivers side. He buckled and went to start the car but stopped when Sam spoke up. "The pranks over, right? Like, no one's going to do anything to me on the ride back or at home?" With those words Colby felt his chest tighten. Did he really not believe him when he said he was safe?

"Of course, Sammy. Everything's okay now. We're just gonna go home and sleep. No one is going to bother you."

Sam, seemingly satisfied with the answer, rested his head against the back of the seat and looked out the window. The air was so thick with tension you could almost cut it with a knife. At least to Colby, but he didn't want to turn on the radio incase Sam wanted to talk to him.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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