"It says that some ghost super villains kidnapped Sam, Freddie, Spencer, some kid named, Gibby, Cherry, Kelsey, Ashley, Sara, and Dr. Colosso and have them held hostage in Ghost World just because we killed their children, The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane!"

We all gasped.

"WHAT!?!?" Phoebe exclaimed, shocked.

"It says-"

"No, no, I know what you said. Just let me read the note!" Phoebe ordered, as she snatched the letter out of Dad's hands.

Phoebe gasped.


"But, Cherry is your enemy, Phoebe!" Max argued, "You shouldn't save someone that you hate!"

"Dr. Colosso's my enemy, but I'm still saving him, along with everybody else," Dad stated, "What's your point, Max?"

"Wait a minute, Phoebe. Since whenever was Cherry your enemy?" Mom asked, confused.

"Since Tuesday," Phoebe answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I got into a huge argument with her, ok!?!?"

"What was the argument about?" Carly asked.

"Well, Cherry got jealous because she thought that I was ditching her for our new friends, which isn't true, so she decided to ignore me. Since that made me angry, I asked her why she was ignoring me and she finally consulted me about it and that's when we got in a huge argument with her!"

"And what did you do, once the argument was over?" Nora asked.

"I told Max about it and he told me just to ignore her, so I did."

"Well, don't listen to Max!" Mom told her.

"Hey!" Max shouted, feeling insulted.

"Phoebe, ignoring people is not always the way to go, when it comes to situations like these," Mom stated, "Sure, she was wrong to be jealous and to ignore you that, but you were also wrong for dedicating all of your time for the past two weeks to Sam, Cat, Freddie, Dice, Spencer, Goomer, Taylor, Frankie, Michelle, Ray, Louie, and Miles and not saving any time to hang out with her! What you should of done is to say that you didn't mean to leave her out and you were just really busy, then invite her to come over another day!"

Phoebe sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right, Mom. Thanks a lot for the terrible advice, Max."

"Hey, whoever said that I was actually good at giving advice?" Max asked.

"True," we all agreed.

"Hey, this is not the time to talk about Phoebe's issues at school!" Carly exclaimed, "We have even bigger problems than that to solve!"

"Yeah, Carly's right, you guys," Dad agreed.

"What are we going to do!?!?" Phoebe asked, "I mean, our friends are being held hostage in Ghost World and we don't even know where that is or how to get into it!"

"Hey, I bet the Preston's would know how!" I told everybody, "They're ghosts!"

Everybody just blankly started at me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Billy, I have known you for all of my life and that has to be the only smart words that have ever came out of your mouth!" Nora complimented me.

"Really? I did? What did I say?"

"And he's back to his normal self again!" Max stated.

"Anyways, why don't I go call the Preston's, while Mom calls the Hathaway's and Carly calls Cat, Goomer, Nona, and Dice?" Phoebe suggested.

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now