"thank god for free periods"

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hyunjin collapsed onto a table in the the library, slipping his backpack off his shoulders, letting it smash against the floor.

changbin raised an eyebrow at him, "i mean, yeah."

chan pulled the chair out from hyunjin, letting him fall to the ground, "i swear to god, hyunjin, if you don't use this time to study.."

"empty threat," hyunjin pulled himself from the floor, "you love us."

"lying is a sin." chan told him, grabbing his binder from his backpack.

"god may judge you but his sins outnumber your own." changbin quoted, and they both looked at him.

"you got that from tumblr, didn't you?" hyunjin sighed.

"shut the fuck up, hwang."

"no cussing in this goddamn motherfucking household oh shit-" chan mumbled, massaging his temple.

hyunjin giggled at him, "okay mOM."
the speakers crackled, and their heads snapped up to the sound, only to be greeted with the voice of their principal.

"please don't panic, but a group of high school students have broken into here, and we have no idea with they have any ill intent towards us, oh! apparently they screamed that they are stupid and incapable of handling something other than corn chips okay, huh, security..?"

chan laughed, "bet some crazy fans busted in. probably twice alumni came back to visit or something."

"hmm." hyunjin grumbled from his place, smushing his face against the table.

changbin furrowed his eyebrows, "uhh, finals?"

"don't mention it."

"speaking of mentioning," chan says, "finals, you massive losers."

a gaggle of teenage boys burst into the library, and changbin laughed, "probably the crazy people who broke in," he said, meaning the group of boys.

a security guard lunged toward the one wearing a sweater that looked like one hyunjin had ("crazy world," he mumbled to himself ), but another jumped him, and fought back.

"run, kids, i'll hold him off!!"

"hwang hyunjin!" one with freckles called out, "your boyfriend wants your number!"

hyunjin mashed his glasses onto his face and confirmed that the person wearing a sweater that looked like his was actually seungmin and he was a confirmed dumbass.

seungmin ran up to hug him, panting, "i realized i didn't have your number, hwang."

hyunjin hugged him back, the smell of citrus enveloping them, "hwang, huh?"

"got a problem with that, hwang?"

instead of replying with a witty comeback, he just kissed seungmin.

"yes! my gays!" freckles cheered them on in the background.

"who are you?" hyunjin asked.

"better question, who is he?" changbin asked.

"i'll do you one better, where did you come from?" chan asked.

"i'll do you one better, why did you come from?" freckles asked, grinning.

"wow, felix." seungmin sighed.

"no prob, mate." he replied in english.

chan looked like he was having an epiphany when he said, "YOU'RE AUSTRALIAN TOO!!"

eventually, they were forced from the school, but:

a) seungmin got hyunjin's number

b) felix met a fellow australian

c) changbin is probably in love with felix

d) woojin ended up injuring the security guard so badly that the guard had to go to the hospital

e) where the fuck is jeongin oh shit

d) everything is super amazing and great and fantastic.

all because he couldn't sleep and had to study, writing notes to a boy at 2 am and kinda maybe fall in love with said boy.

okay, he lied.

he didn't kinda maybe love hyunjin.

he loved hyunjin.

seungmin loves hyunjin.

i think this is the ending.
what a WILD ride goodness gracious
can i get a round of applause for everyone who read this, like, i'm so sorry for doing this.

late night coffee and love notes; seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now