"did you survive?"

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seungmin asked him, gesturing at hyunjin, who was smushed up against the table, with some legendary bags under his eyes.

"yop." hyunjin replied, chugging his coffee despite the fact that it was boiling hot.

"did you turn in your history paper?"


"have you studied for your math final?"


they settled into comfortable silence, focusing on how much work they had to do.

hyunjin felt like he was drowning. of course, it was nowhere near the amount of pressure for end of year finals, but it was suffocating. he tried not to think about how late it would be when he would get home, or what grade he might get.

a delicately folded piece of paper made him jump when he looked back to his part of the table.

he took it and tried to unfold it carefully.

I'm learning how to do origami! However, what I did was not origami, so technically the opening statement has nothing to do with what I'm talking about but here goes:
Are you okay? Do you need some help or something? I can help!
Also, how are you still alive after drinking your coffee at that speed and temperature do I have to take you to a hospital??

hyunjin let his lips smack together as he made his tongue run against the roof of his mouth. his tongue seemed fine.

seungmin was staring at his mouth.
hyunjin noticed it, and to his advantage, licked his lips slowly.

"yup, my tongue is fine." he announced, and seungmin looked up at him quickly, looking a little guilty and a lot flustered.

he wrote back,

hey, learning origami is cool. the only thing i can do is like, a base fold, and that's just folding the paper in half.
talented, i know.
am i ok? is that a trick question? OF COURSE NOT M8. yes, i would love some help please and thank you!!!!

hyunjin was surprised when seungmin scooted out of his side of the booth, and walked over to his side, where he sat next to him.

they were so close, it was impossible to focus on anything else.

"okay, so what have you been learning about? do you have a review packet or something?"

hyunjin brightened as he pulled up a file on his laptop labeled "oh no don't click its math".

"okay," seungmin said as he pulled the laptop closer to him, leaning a little bit over hyunjin. he could hear day6 singing "shoot me" from seungmin's earbuds, and he never related more to a song in that moment.

"let's start then!" seungmin said, and that jolted hyunjin from his thoughts.
seungmin was very good at explaining things, and was generally very helpful, giving hyunjin hints about problems, but only half of what he was saying actual got to his brain, because. they. were. so. close.

the smell of citrus always made him think of seungmin, and their thighs were touching, and every time seungmin leaned in to point out a problem, hyunjin thought about how he leaned a little closer to seungmin, they would be kissing.

seungmin's lips looked so soft and were such a soft pink color and-
oh god.

that was a rabbit hole right there.

on his phone, it would track how much time was being spent on certain apps. if his brain did that every time he was staring at seungmin and his lips, it would total to an embarrassing amount of minutes.

"any questions?"

hyunjin fell back to earth, looking at seungmin for a moment too long before fumbling for a question.

"uhh, why do we put a value for this variable, but not for this one?"

seungmin giggled, "actually, i told you about this, but it's okay."

"oh! sorry!" hyunjin apologized quickly, feeling sheepish.

seungmin started to lecture, but hyunjin still didn't listen.

so sue him.

seungmin surprised himself by pulling together the courage to sit next to hyunjin.

he could've just explained from his own seat, but of course, he got over excited and..

hyunjin was warm. seungmin didn't even have to touch him to feel how warm the older was. well, their thighs were touching, but that was a whole new topic.

hyunjin seemed like the best person to hug, but he had never actually never hugged him, so he didn't know, but.. he seemed like he would be the best at it.

seungmin had no clue if half the stuff he said was actually right or not, he stuttered over his words, and came up with blanks when he tried to start talking again.

but hyunjin didn't seem to care about that. well, either that, or his lectures were boring and he wasn't listening.
also: hyunjin's lips. they were full and pink and were the most tempting thing he had ever seen.

how did hyunjin survive in school with all of the girls? he thought to himself with a smile.

wait. was hyunjin straight?


he didn't expect to feel his heart hurt so badly.

he had hope, though, right?

"well! that's the end of that!" seungmin concluded, his voice louder than expected, making hyunjin flinch.
he shifted, and made a move to get up when hyunjin grabbed his wrist.

"wh-what?" he stumbled over his words, looking at hyunjin.

hyunjin pulled him closer, and seungmin's breath hitched.

his heart was about to go into cardiac arrest, he could feel it.

their faces were a couple inches apart, and hyunjin's eyes kept flicking down toward seungmin's lips.

"excuse me, but its closing time."
the barista scared the two, appearing without being seen in front of them before going to turn off the lights and appliances.

they flung apart from each other, and seungmin, with shaking hands, messily sweeping everything into his backpack, and ran out of the cafe, into the night, very panicked, very flustered, and very awake despite his clock reminding him that it was 3:30 am.

late night coffee and love notes; seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now