Miss Sanders turned to Reece. "That was good of you, Mr. Graves. She is restricted much too often. And thank you for helping her swim. She hasn't thought about swimming since her mother died."

Reece nodded. "I'm glad to do some good." He tried fighting back his guilt. Guilt that he couldn't be genuine to her, guilt that he was feeling sorry for his target.

After he finished his ice cream, he found Mr. Caine, his grandfather, and the other men that were standing in as his uncles. They were all in the lounge sitting around.

Now that Adalynn wasn't here, he realized how bored he was.

Reece sat behind his grandfather at the edge of the room.

His grandfather was talking to Mr. Caine. "Your daughter, Jonathan, is... Something else."

Mr. Caine sighed. "She's beautiful, like her mother was... But I honestly don't know what to do with her."

"To start with, you could regulate her appearance a bit better. For example, her shoes?"

Reece tensed, but he remained quiet.

"It's very off putting to see that girl running around with nothing on her feet. And jeans..."

Mr. Caine nodded. "Good advice, Gregor. I have been trying to fix her up. Especially since she's officially part of the company."

Reece now completely understood why Adalynn hid so much. These men... Even her father, were judging and wanting to change her.

It took all his self control to remain still and quiet. He wasn't supposed to worry about her, he was supposed to be taking advantage.

Yet he still felt the simmering anger in his blood as they discussed what type of clothes Adalynn should wear while around others.

They really want to make her a robot.

"Reece." His grandfather suddenly spoke up. "You were with the lass all day. What did you think?"

Reece cleared his throat. "Today was fine. Things went smoothly."

"What did you think of her?" Mr. Graves persisted.

"She was quite lovely to be with. That's really all there is to it." He tried keeping the bite out of his words.

Mr. Graves have his grandson a heated look, but he returned his gaze to Mr. Caine. "Shall we stay for dinner?"

"Please do." Mr. Caine agreed. "We can continue our discussion from earlier."

Reece nearly felt like protesting. Adalynn didn't want to be around these men, for good reason. Yet if that stayed for dinner, she would have to eat with them.

"I'll go inform the cook." Mr. Caine gave a nod and left the lounge.

Mr. Graves stood, folding his hands behind his back as he faced his grandson. "Reece, what progress have you made? After last night, this better be good."

"Adalynn has been the most difficult target I've dealt with so far. I've made a little progress in getting her to trust me. But I need more time."

"Three days is usually the amount of time you need. So you need four days?"

Reece shook his head. "Adalynn is very different from the other girls I've dealt with. This could take a week or a month. It's hard to tell."

"Do whatever it takes to finish up quickly. Get yourself to her room. Mr. Caine shared the useful information that she has a safe full of jewelry and emergency cash. You need to get the code. When the chance arises, you take everything you can."

Reece nodded. "Yes sir."

"Good. Now, gentlemen, let's go enjoy a lovely meal."

* * *

"They're here for dinner as well?" Lynn sank onto her bed. "Mama Sanders, I'll eat up here."

"No. Get up, I have a nice dress for you to wear."

"A dress? This is just dinner." Lynn stood. "But alright. I'll push through this, head held high."

"That's my girl." Miss Sanders held up a blue gown with a black belt around the waist. "I also have some black heels for you."

Lynn reluctantly dressed and buckled the strap heels on. Miss Sanders tied Adalynn's hair back in a braid and layered some mascara on her lashes.

"Lovely. A shade of lipstick will complete the look."

"No, this is enough, Mama Sanders. And I'll be eating, so that would just ruin it."

Miss Sanders nodded. "Alright. Head down to the dining hall. Tonight is Italian pasta."

Lynn loved Italian pasta. But she had a feeling she wouldn't enjoy it as much with the present company tonight.

So she straightened her shoulders and made her way down to the dining hall.

The men were already seated at the large table when Adalynn entered.

Reece was the only one to stand and offer her a seat, which she gladly took.

"Thank you, Re- er, Mr. Graves."

Reece took the seat next to her and whispered, "I'm sorry. I tried getting grandfather to leave."

"It's alright." Lynn murmured.

"Ah, Miss Caine." Mr. Graves greeted. "Seems you finally wore something decent."

Asshole. Reece thought bitterly.

Lynn's chest tightened, but she smiled her practiced smile. "Yes, apologies for earlier."

Reece never felt like socking his grandfather more than in that moment.

"Did you enjoy your time with my grandson?"

Lynn had to choose her words carefully. "Today was quite pleasant. Thank you for allowing me to get to know him."

Reece tensed at that word: allow. Like she was just a robot to order around.

His grandfather nodded. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Through the meal, Lynn could barely stomach one of her favorite things. These men were truly terrible. But if this was to be her life from now on... She accepted that she'd have to get used to it.

As they ate dinner, Reece decided he hated Adalynn's fake smile. He had only seen her real smile once, but that was enough to convince him that her real smile was so much better.

Lynn ate enough to make it look like she was done and then cleared her throat. "If you'll excuse me."

"Goodnight, Miss Caine." Mr. Graves called after her.

"Uh, goodnight, gentlemen." She tilted her head and then left.

Her throat tight, she ripped the heels off once she was out of sight, and made for her room. That entire time those men discussed her and her behavior without even acknowledging her.

Apparently she wasn't up to their standards even now.

Lynn started up the stairs as a pathetic tear slipped free.

"Adalynn." Reece called as he found her on the staircase. "Are you okay?"

Lynn stopped, but didn't turn around. "Yes, I'm fine, Reece." She wiped at her face. "I'm just tired."

Reece could tell something was definitely wrong. But it wasn't his place to push. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. See you around, Reece." Lynn quickly retreated to her room.


And part 3! This was on the short side, but oh well. What do you think? I hope you're enjoying it so far (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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