Testing, Testing...

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      After about 15 minutes, Todoroki was almost going crazy with the need to hear Deku laugh again.  So he decided to run a sort of test. It was risky but, why not? He waited for the right moment then poked Deku in the same spot as last time. He earned again, a audible 'squeeek' as Deku whipped his head around to look at Todoroki.
      "D-did you...." Deku was blushing deeply and trailed off his sentence when he saw Todoroki was not looking at him, but the t.v., watching the movie.  He shook his head. Just his imagination.... right?
      It worked just how Todoroki had planned. Then about 5 minutes later, he did it again, this time on Deku's side.
      "Spfffft" Deku laughed.
      *God damnit that's cute.* Todoroki thought. But he had to find another way to have fun because Deku was now 99 persent sure that Todoroki was doing this on purpose. Todoroki dsided to try once more but Deku's had stopped his hand before he could.
      "W-what are you d-doing?" Deku asked, blushing.
       *Crap I'm busted!* Todoroki thought while trying to think of an explanation for why he was tickling Deku. When he couldn't he decided to go with the truth.
       "Your uhh kinda ticklish and I thought it was cute...." He trailed off, embarrassed at what he had said.
       Deku was blushing hard, trying to think of something to say but before he could, Todoroki had poked his belly making him jump.
       "H-hey dont--" he was cut off as Todoroki tackled him to the floor. In the smaller boys shock, Todoroki straddled his waist with a devilish smirk.

Tododeku tickle Fan-ficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon