Battle Amongst Gods

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Naruto ran towards Fujin in his base form. They engaged in a fierce battle of taijutsu. Naruto threw a left hook, it was blocked by Fujin and he countered with a punch to the face. Naruto was dazed, so Fujin followed up with three Jūken strikes to his stomach.

Naruto jumped back. Sakura, Hinata, and Sasuke jumped in front of him. "We're your teammates, Naruto." Sasuke said.

Naruto smiled, "You guys.." He stood up and raced towards Fujin along with Sakura. He activated his dōjutsu in one eye and the Rinnegan in the other.

"Kurama, let's do this!" Naruto said in his mind.

Kurama grunted enthusiastically and they synchronized together, creating a chakra cloak.

Naruto threw the first strike, faking a punch to his solar plexus and instead did a right hook to his temple. After that, he followed up with an uppercut, launching him up into the air.

Sakura immediately continued the attack, kicking him in the stomach and propelling him into the air even more. Out of nowhere, Sasuke came and cut Fujin's arm off and throwing him towards Naruto.

Naruto's Rinnegan pulsed and he said, "Chibaku Tensei!" He clapped his hands together and Fujin was suddenly encased in  debris and rocks.

Sakura and Sasuke landed on the ground. "That was quick.." Sakura commented.

"I doubt it's over yet.." Naruto said. Almost as if it was on queue, Fujin broke out of the planetoid, he took shallow breaths and was moderately injured.

"Damn you filthy humans.." Fujin said. All of the magatama on his kimono fused together into one single large one on his back. "You will surely die now.. I have never been beaten in this form." His hair turned pitch black as his eyes turned into a red Byakugan.

"We'll see about that." Naruto said. He transformed into a shuriken and fell into Hinata's hand.

Sakura and Sasuke ran towards Fujin and kicked him up into the air. Hinata then threw the shuriken and it cloned into 300 shuriken.

Fujin kept track of where the original shuriken was. When he saw the shuriken pass by him, he grabbed it and broke it in half.

"One dow-" Fujin was interrupted by a fierce kick to his neck, sending him down into the ground.

Sakura clapped her hands together and said, "Rikudō: Funka." A black pillar erupted from the ground and Fujin dodged just in time.

In the blink of an eye, Fujin was in front of Sasuke with his left fist cocked back. He slugged him in his forehead, sending him into a nearby mountain.

Sakura appeared behind Fujin, intent on ending his life with her super strength. All of a sudden, he turned around and grabbed her by the throat and strangled her. He threw her to the ground and put black rods into her arms and back.

"Sakura! Sasuke!" Hinata said. She activated her Rikudōgan and a black staff manifested in her hand. She ran towards Fujin, jabbing him in the stomach and then swinging the staff at his temple, leaving him dazed.

Naruto saw that as the perfect opportunity to strike, sending a Rasenshuriken his way. Fujin quickly regained his bearings and switched places with Hinata, leaving her right in front of the Rasenshuriken. She got hit and she was downed.

"Damn you Fujin.. you destroy my village and now you hurt my comrades.." Naruto said, anger in his face. He closed his eyes, they both were his dōjutsu, and not a Rinnegan.

"The Tengan, hm.." Fujin said, looking in his eyes.

"You lost the second you gazed at my eyes." A voice came from behind Fujin, a kunai in front of his neck, ready to slice it open in a moment's notice.

"Y-you are adept in its usage?" Fujin barely managed to say.

"Six years of training.."

"Y-you worked for that? Impossible, that dōjutsu cannot be attained by 'hard work'! You damned creatures are worthless, you don't deserve to have any of our clan's dōjutsu!"

"That's the problem with your clan.. you guys never try to better yourselves. You guys always just go with what you're born with and eventually get beaten my someone stronger."

Fujin closed his eyes, "I see.. never, in the millennia that I have been alive, have I see another creature as strong as you. My defeat will not be in vein. My clan is full of vengeful, power-hungry people who will do anything to achieve their goals. It's been an honor to battle against you, Uzumaki Naruto. Take my chakra as a gift." Fujin turned into a red fruit.

"It's been an honor too.." Naruto said. He held the fruit. He sealed it into a scroll and then put it into his pocket dimension.

Sakura, Sasuke, and Hinata woke up. They saw Naruto sitting on the roof of one of the few surviving houses, looking into the horizon.

"Did we beat him?" Sakura asked.

Naruto nodded.

"Did anything happen, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked.

Naruto told them about the conversation that he and Fujin had. "We oughta get going. Y'know, to tell everyone that we won." Naruto said. They walked to the clearing that all of the Konoha citizens were in.

"We won." Hinata said.

The crowd cheered.

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