(Chap. 2) The kiss

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Wyatt: yo I'm doing good so far
Jaeden: you guys are so mean
Finn: what we are just having some fun Jae loosen up
Jaeden : no he's gonna break her heart and she doesn't deserve that
Wyatt: omg it's not that serious it's not like we are even friends with her
Finn: exactly wy has a good point
Jaeden : no it's a terrible point and I'm done.
Jaeden left the group chat

Wyatt was always so sweet and kind until Finn came around, don't get me wrong Finn is my bestfriend but he's just nothing but trouble and he's corrupting Wyatt .

It was now lunch and instead of sitting with Wyatt and Finn I looked around to see some new people I saw this really pretty girl and walked up to her.
"Hey I'm Jaeden you must be new here"
"Hey I'm Elli and yeah I am"
"Oh your Elia's twin sister?"
"Yeah how did you know?"
"Long story but do you happen to know where she is I need to talk to her"
"Uhhh she's over there "
I walked over into the direction she pointed and I saw another really pretty girl that looked just like Elli so that was probably Elia
"Hey I'm Jaeden"
"Elia , why are you talking to me ?"
" uhhh well can we take a walk I need to tell you something about Wyatt"


Wyatt? Why would he wanna talk to me about Wyatt whatever I said yes cause he seemed nice
"Ok sure "
"Ok so uhhh has Wyatt tried to flirt with you?"
Why was he asking me this ?
"Uhh yeah y?" I said confused
"Don't fall for it he's just gonna break your heart."
"I don't even know you and your telling me to stay away from him how do I know your not lying "
"Ok lemme explain Wyatt could be really sweet till Finn came along and is corrupting him and Finn dared him to Try to get with the new girl which is you so he doesn't actually like you"
"Oh ... well uhhhhh I KNOW I KNOW Ima prank him and lead him on them play him back"
"I love you already That's a great idea "
"Ok you should come to my house after school and we can plan this out" I said to Jaeden with a wink
"Ok sounds like a dat- I mean plan here's my number" he took my phone and put his number in and then I went back to lunch.

It was the end of the day and I saw Wyatt he began walking up to me.
"Hey Elia what you doing after school?" He asked clearly wanting to hang
"Hanging out with Jaeden" I said with a soft smile
"Oh why him?" He said clearly mad
"Ion know he invited me to hang and I think he's pretty cute if I do say so myself"
"Oh well Elia before you go ..."
he pressed his lips to mine I couldn't lie I liked it I felt my cheeks getting hot , as he pulled away I looked at the ground.
"Ok hope we can hang out soon " he said walking off to Finn.

Today I started my new high school , I wasn't scared but more nervous. Before I went to my first class I saw Elia in the hallway and we started talking which caused us both to be late for home room .
I walked into home room and the first thing that caught my eye was this really tall pale boy with dark brown eyes and curly brown hair. He was stunning and he was also gonna be mine.
"Hello you must be ms. Mayfield the new girl sit down next to mr.wolfhard and I don't wanna hear a peep"
"Ok miss"  it turns out that mr.wolfhard just so happened to be the boy.
"Hey gorgeous" he said to me
"The names Elli"
"I still think your gorgeous"  he said smiling
"Thanks your not to bad yourself" I said smiling back.  "I didn't catch your name" I said to him
"I don't recall throwing it " he said causing me to laugh. "It's Finn" he said following.
I felt someone staring at me and turn around to see this girl with short hair and brown eyes and was clearly jealous that I was talking to Finn they probably had history.
" what's her deal?" I asked Finn gesturing To the girl
"That's Millie my ex girlfriend who is still obsessed with me"
"Oh" I said

It was lunch and I was looking around trying to find Finn and this boy with light brown hair and blue eyes approached me and somehow he knew I had a twin named Elia which I found a little weird but it's whatever I guess.

A/n~ sorry this chapter was kind of boring lemme know if you guys like the story so far or any ideas.

Welcome to high school ~ ST &ITHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin