Rollans thought
Why does he have to lie to me, why can't he tell me about his scars, I mean maybe if I tell him about my past and my scars, maybe he'll say something about his. I don't know what to do about him, but ever since meeting him, he has been a friendly open guy, not too mention quite handsome... wait what no, nononono I am not falling for Lloyd. But everytime he laughs, cries, smiles, I feel wierd and different for him. I am protective of him, I feel like I am falling for him, but I just doesn't know how Lloyd feels about him.

Both Lloyd and Rollan looked at each other, for the first few seconds they blushed then at the same time, they both looked away smiling.


Tarik: Alright children we will camp here for the time being until we hear from Lenori. For now Lloyd you need to start training, but before that, you need to pick primary weapon, your secondary and your tertiary.

Lloyd: yes, I've been waiting for my opportunity to train. Um what weapons am I able to pick.

Tarik: any weapon that pulls you in.

Lloyd: well my secondary weapon is my barehands, so Wrestling, and fighting in general. My primary weapon will be a berserk chain (looked it up on internet, it looked cool), and my tertiary will just be the trusty old sword.

Meilin: Why did you pick the berserk chain, no one has used that weapon in years.

Lloyd: Well, my mother told me stories about my idiot father, about his battles, he always used a berserk chain, it was his weapon he always used, and I want to use it, and it helps me get close in range with my enemy and drop them.

Meilin: I can't argue with that, it's good you chose the sword as well, always good to have sword on your side.

Lloyd: why else do you think I chose it, well let's get training shall I.

Lloyd: I think I might try out my own skills first. Is that okay

Tarik: Of course, kids with me now, we need to talk... About you know who's back.

All nodded and followed Tarik to build up camp, but also to gain Lloyd's trust.

Lloyd stood in the open, eyes closed concentrating, and thinking about his stepfather, he moved him aside got angry and started to train hard with his chosen weapon.

Tarik: Alright, Abeke, you saw Lloyds scars right, we need to treat them, they might be infected.

Abeke: Yes, but how do we get him to tell us.

Lloyd came out of nowhere.

Lloyd: tell us what exactly??? I heard my name, what's going on

Abeke: um, Lloyd, I don't know how to tell you this, but I saw your scars on your back.

Lloyd froze

Lloyd: W..what, how, no one was suppose to see them, how did you find out.  'lloyd started getting fidgety and angry'.

Abeke: I'm sorry, I came in the tent to see what you were doing, and why you were taking long, and I accidentally saw your back.

Lloyd turned and headed for his tent

Lloyd: I accept your apology, but I still wanted to wait to tell you guys. This stuff ain't easy to tell

Rollan: why couldn't you tell us, don't you trust us now.

Lloyd stopped and faced Rollan

Lloyd: of course I trust all of you, but when people see my scars, they see me as hideous and they just don't talk to me, it's why I'm the freak of the school.

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