"We will talk when I'm ready to talk. Please just drop it." Alex pleaded.

"Absolutely not. When you're like this, it affects the mood and vibe of the group. So spill it." Star fought back.

Alex let out a huge sigh. She knew she needed to get everything off her chest so she figured she would tell her girls as a practice run before telling Derek.

"What if Derek and I rushed getting back together? Maybe we needed more time apart?"

"Alex, where is this coming from?" Simone asked.

"For the last two days, we have been at each other's throats about how to handle the Olivia situation. He wanted to play big ole protector and take matters into his own hands and basically ignored my suggestions. And then when I told him I wasn't comfortable with him owning a gun in our house, he brushed me off. I want to start a life with someone that considers my feelings."

"Alex, that man loves you. In that moment, all he wanted to do was protect you and your career. You can't blame him for coming up with a plan that did both. Was it the best idea, probably not but the idea was to make sure you would come out unearthed, and you did." Simone reasoned with her.

"I agree with Simone. That man would kill someone over you. You should've known he wasn't just going to sit and take it when you were being threatened." Star voiced.

"I know he loves me but my feelings are hurt. I felt like I was being treated like a child and not his equal." Alex was tearing up.

"Trust me, I understand where you are coming from. I really do, but you need to talk to him. Sit down and honestly tell him he hurt your feelings and why. He will be receptive."

Alex nodded her head taking tissues from Star to wipe her tears.

"Ok, girl. Dry those tears because we have a girl day to get to. We are taking you by the shop to get your hair done and then to the mall so pick out a sexy outfit for your date tonight."

"Wait. What date?"

"Oh, you think we were just going to hang out here all day and let you waddle in your sadness?" Star asked.

"Um, yeah?"

"Well, we aren't. Derek told us he booked reservations at your favorite place and as your girls, we are going to make sure you're prepared. You can thank you later when he's blowing your back out." Star laughed.

Alex rolled her eyes. "Well before we get to the shop, can we stop at Chick-fil-a? I'm starving."

"One step ahead of you. Just ordered on the mobile app. Now let's go so we won't get behind schedule."

After a busy mid-morning and afternoon with the girls, Alex returned home to get ready for her date. As she entered the house, she found a note from Derek.


I can't wait to take you to dinner tonight. Star texted me a picture of your outfit and I think these shoes would look perfect with it. I'll be back to pick you up at 7:30 pm. Be ready.



Alex opened the shoebox to find the gold-studded Christian Louboutin she had been eyeing for a while.

"He didn't," She thought to herself.

"I may have to fuck him off the fact that he got me these shoes." She thought to herself again.

Alex's phone ringing snapped her out of her thoughts. It was Derek.

"Derek, I can't believe you."

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