Erebus never leaves us

Start from the beginning

She smiled sultrily.

Illustrious: yes Commander?

Y/N: people are staring.

True to my words, she looked behind me and sees my team staring. Some with a blush and some smirking.

Illustrious: *sigh* alright, but you owe both me and the others for this.

Y/N: alright, but next time. Please not in public.

She smiled and walked away, making sure to sway her behind seductively. Sighing I faced Laffey and George who has an annoyed smiled on her face while Laffey is... Well Laffey.

Laffey: Y/N no ecchi.

I sweat dropped at Laffey while I gave George an apologetic look.

George: you are very VERY unique.

She walked away with a sigh.

Well damn. I may or may not have pissed George off... Oh boy, Illustrious, Eugen, and the twins will be a big pleasurable pain in my ass.

Time Skip

Y/N: so Erebus, how's your practice going?

Suddenly, Erebus appeared in front of me in an instant with a very excited glint in her eyes... Though her face stays the same.

Erebus: I am very happy you have me this role Commander!

I laughed sheepishly.

Y/N: haha, yeah. I'm very glad I did.

Erebus: but am I actually ready though?

I smiled.

Y/N: Erebus, it's not a "can't I", but more of a "how can I".

Erebus: really?

T/N: yes, before when I was still a kid. I used to be picked all the time for the school's play as the main character.

Erebus: did you do it?

Y/N: oh yes, I did do it. But that was after a good amount of reassurance from friends and family, so Erebus. Think about your sisters, the staff, and me while you practice.

Erebus: I can do it Commander! I will make you and sisters proud of me!

She made an excited sound with a rather monotone voice... And stoic face.

Y/N: that's the spirit Erebus! Now just think positive and think about making your sisters proud.

Time skip

Hearing a knock on my door, I wrapped my towel around my jewels and opened up the door... Sure this is a surefire way to getting fucked by THE girls, but eh? I mean, I deserve it for not giving them attention this past days.

Eugen: ara? Aren't we getting ready?~

She smiled ever so hungry.

Y/N: yeah.... Sorry for... Y'know.

Eugen planted her finger on my lips and "Tsked" three times.

Eugen: now now, none of that.

She then removed her finger and immediately lip locked me. She pushed me as she forced herself more on me until we made it to the bed. Hearing the door click close, she stopped and took deep breaths as she looked hungrily into my eyes.

Eugen: you don't know how long I've been waiting to finally do this with you again~

Y/N: same here~

Finally letting the dam burst, I grabbed her head and aggressively kissed her.

Suddenly, while we were aggressively making out, I hear a knock on the door and stopped... Kinda almost didn't... Taking a deep breath, I fixed the towel on me and opened the door only to be tackled to the floor with four bodies on top of me.

Atago: mou~ Commander I told you that you're supposed to call us when you're about to do something like this!

Wait what? When did I say that?

Illustrious: and if your wondering, you were drunk when you said that and-

Atago: We believe that a drunk man is more honest than a sober one!

Y/N: why am I feeling that I won't get any rest tonight.

They all giggled.

Illustrious: not a single second to breath.

Takao: no space for breaks.

Atago: and in bed.

Eugen: we shall enter the endless plains.

Y/N: eh.. not my style but well...

But before I could say more, they all pinned me on the bed and started undressing me.... Well in this case a bath towel.

Eugen: just shut up and let us do our job.

Y/N: just be gentle?

They all smiled sinisterly.

All: not a chance.

Well.... Sorry for that HUGE delay but... The fact that my life is not good, I chose to take a long ass break just to focus on my studies. Welp, that's all and SOUL out.

War at Sea (maleGundamPilotReader x Azure lane)Where stories live. Discover now