Yellow Bridge pt.1~ Oliver Queen x reader

Start from the beginning

He jogged towards you and held your hands, making it your turn to blush slightly. Urgh, if only he knew what effect he had on you. "You're so cold!! When I told you to be here asap, I didn't mean for you to get up and walk straight out of the door." Oliver scolded at you, but his blue ocean eyes showed so much kindness. And you wanted nothing more than to get lost in them. 

"It's okay, it was quite nice." You grinned.

But that only made him frown. "Should I get you a blanket?"

"No, it's okay. I'm changing into my suit anyway." You answered, walking towards it and taking it out of the display.

You looked around you to see where you could change, you weren't really fond of changing in front of everyone. It wasn't that big of a problem, but them seeing your body or more specifically your scars, kinda was. So you walked behind a few boxes, Oliver following behind while informing you of the plan. He was the only person you didn't mind seeing you in short clothes, because he knew. He knew what it was like to survive out on you own and fight in order to stay alive. That didn't come easy, the scars on your bodies being your witness and proof. 

You let your jacket fall, revealing your survival story over your stomach and arms.
Oliver leaned back on some of the boxes and kept his gaze away, only sometimes glancing to you. It was kinda cute. He had probably seen you changing so many times, but still wanted to give you some privacy. Oliver had always been considerate of you.

"Those shorts look uhhhh... really good on you." He mumbled, but you heard.

"Thank you." You chuckled, continuing to put your leather pants of your suit on. The suit was kind of similar to Oliver's green leather suit. Yours was black with (fav colour) tints, which matched your arrows.

Suddenly Diggle shouted that you guys had to go. You and Oliver looked at each other surprised. You quickly zipped up your leather jacket closed and got your quiver with arrows and the leather straps of your suit together, running to the van. The team looked at you confused.

"What?" You questioned.

"Are we not going with our bikes?" Thea asked.

You laughed sarcastically, "Hahaha... Crazy..." as you stepped inside the van.
"Of course NOT! It's cooold!!!"

They frowned at each other, but let it slide and stepped inside.

"Gives me time to continue changing" You mentioned, while wrapping the belts around your legs.

*Back to the beginning*

Still warm, cozy and some road ahead before your final destination, you had fallen asleep on Oliver's shoulder, which he surely didn't mind. Sometime later the team arrived and Oliver gently shook you awake, feeling a bit guilty as it looked like you were having a nice rest. These last weeks had been rough and you weren't able to rest much. But duty called and so you yawned and sat up.

"We have to go, we've arrived." Oliver whispered softly. Was it the sweet voice and kind words that had made you fall for him first? He'd always had a way of making you feel special and loved, just by the way he talked to you. If only he could hear your beating heart and hear how in love you were. For now you just smiled back to him.

You stretched your arms out and got out of the van, stretching a bit more now that you had the room. You scanned the place with your eyes, getting fully aware of your surroundings. There wasn't a lot to see, as it was still foggy. But you could make out some storage buildings and a weird structure in the distance. You looked at Oliver, waiting for him to give out orders. 

"Okay, so Davii's phone keeps being untraceable at this place. Felicity thought it would be a good idea to start searching here for more leads on him."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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