Yellow Bridge pt.1~ Oliver Queen x reader

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A/N: Hi, it's been a while. I've been busy with all sorts of things. But seeing all your comments and votes, I kind of got teary eyed. It brings me so much joy to see you all enjoy my content and request more. So I felt like I had to give back and continue writing. Here you go! It isn't great but I hope you will like it. Let me know!


It was a misty morning, which made it quite hard to see through the fog and because of the rain, that had been pouring the last few days, the roads were quite slippery too. All in all, the weather conditions weren't the best.

Still Oliver thought it was a great opportunity to go out and catch a criminal in the cold early morning. With half opened eyes you looked out of the window of Diggle's van. The rain had just stopped pouring and though you couldn't see too far out on the road, the cloud like weather brought some peace to your mind. Because it was so slippery out there, you thought it would be much better to not ride with your bikes, but secretly it gave you the excuse to stay warm and cozy. And so the peaceful drive lulled you to sleep before you would have to start your mission and save Starcity from the dangers in its town.

*A few hours earlier*

You were sound asleep when you heard your phone ringing. You ignored the noise and got back to your sweet dreams, only to hear your phone ringing again. A grunt escaped your throat out of frustration and you picked the phone up.

"Hello?" You said tiredly, the groggy morning voice quite evident.

"Did I wake you up?" You heard Oliver's voice through the phone.

"No, it's only like-" You quickly glanced at your clock.
"FOUR IN THE MORNING??!!! What the f*ck are you calling me so early for?? Of course I was sleeping!! You should be too!" You shouted with shock in the phone. Leave it up to Oliver to call you at such odd hours. You had just finished a search till late at night, you definitely wanted some good and uninterrupted rest.

"Well, I think we might be able to catch Davii this morning."

These last weeks had been filled with looking for a certain man, named Davii. Or that's what he called himself. A new drug had started circulating Star City and though the team had been able to intercept one truck, another one was still out there. You had to find Davii and the truck to put an end to it.

"This morning? Which morning?! It is 4AM. Davii, himself, is probably still sleeping!"

"Please?" Oliver pleaded.

You grunted and threw your body around in your bed. "Whyyy? I was just enjoying a good night rest!"

Oliver grinned, knowing you were gonna come. "See you here asap?"

You sighed, you've always had soft spot for Oliver . "Alright, be right there."

You got up and walked straight to your door, skipping changing into decent clothing. You had to change in the base anyway, so it would only be waste of time. You just put on your jacket and boots and walked out. The cold night air hit your legs as you were only wearing shorts and a loose crop top, with your jacket over it. You quickly began running towards the Arrow cave, as not to stay out in the cold for long and hopefully warm up a little.

Out of breath and a little wet you arrived. You didn't expect it to rain when you were outside and didn't really prepare to bring an umbrella. Luckily the rainfall wasn't too heavy and you didn't get soaked. You opened the door and walked downstairs. You sighed, relieved, when you felt the warmth of the basement hug your ice cold body. The team looked at you confused and for a moment you thought you saw Oliver's cheeks turn pink as he was looking at you, but his face quickly turned in that of worry, so you weren't sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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