The 'Thing'

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Well I was having a drink of fresh tank water (thank the Lord for rain!!), when a flash of light flooded the fresh, green forest floor. I ran to the window to see if it would happen again, but it didn't. So I grabbed my little blue backpack, got a torch from the cupboard and slipped on my favourite jacket and shoes. I then ran out the door towards the forest entrance. On my way there I couldn't help stopping and looking up into the starry night sky, with a tye-dye blue and purple swirls behind them. All of a sudden the forest floor lit up again and my curiosity levels sky rocketed.


At the entrance of the forest I believe, I'm not quite sure, that smoky-black, tall figure stood just two metres from me. "Hello? Is there anyone in there?" I said softly.

A deep voice answered my call. "Hello, Amy, WE have been waiting for you!"

My head started to spin and my joints started to ache. "IT'S TIME TO SEE THE THE REAL WORLD!!" the voice said loudly in my ear. The 'voices' were echoing around my head.

"What do you mean?" my voice full of anger and fear. 

"Be quiet," the 'voices' said abruptly in unison,"and you shall see!" I blacked out straight after that. 

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