Chapter 52: Aizawa

Start from the beginning

He placed a hand on my shoulder. I felt his gaze looking down on me whilst I stared at the ground.

Nearly every staff member who teaches me here could read me now, Aizawa being one of them. Even if I wanted to, hiding the truth from them would be impossible.

I rubbed my left eye with my fist, keeping my right eye trained to the floor.

Exhaustion. It kept hitting me like a truck. I let out another yawn, quick to cover my mouth.

Aizawa remained how he was. His eyes were focused on me and me alone. There was no weaving my way out of this one.

"I just...don't see the appeal in this stupid festival. Plus everyone at this school is way ahead of me now. They can control their quirks in some way whereas I can't."

I was about to continue but Eraserhead interrupted me before I could finish my thoughts. He was quick. He always knew what I was thinking. And he tended to confirm it by tricking me into saying it.

"But those students didn't receive their quirks by a madman All Might and many other heroes apprehended. They also don't have several quirks inside them waiting to unleash themselves. Whatever control you've gained since you first got it, is progress. And the culture festival, while it may be hard for you, at least try to take part. Think of it as a hero thing."

I raised a brow at him. "A dumb festival as a hero thing," I repeated with some doubt.

Aizawa sighed. He rolled his eyes with a shake of his head, muttering under his breath.

"Yes, a hero thing. Heroes don't always save people you know," he explained lazily, patting the top of my head.

"Isn't that what a hero is?"

"Aren't you supposed to be smart?"

"Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I know everything. There's a still a lot I need to learn."

Aizawa grabbed his mug from the counter. Taking a sip, he scanned me once more.

I glanced off to the side. My left hand latched itself onto my right wrist. My eyes were getting heavier and heavier still.

"What's the dictionary definition of a hero?" Aizawa asked after several minutes of silence between us.

The question seemed so random. So sudden too.

Why would he ask that now of all times?

"Um, a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities," I replied, reciting the definition by heart.

"Where does it say that a hero has to be someone who saves people?"

"Is that a trick question?"

"Answer it."

"Nowhere," I stated, failing to see the point in all this.

Doesn't Aizawa like his sleep? Why is he still here? Is he trying to teach me something?

"Can the culture festival be a hero activity by dictionary definition then?"

"I suppose so but it might depend on the conditions."

"Mirio and Midoriya are inviting Eri to the festival. You already knew that though. Consider her upbringing-"

"She's never been to an event like this before... Both Mirio and Midoriya invited her to see her smile..."

"Sorry. It wasn't my intention to guilt trip you like that," Aizawa apologised.

It's not like him to apologise.

"Nothing can change the past. But can you put that aside for now? There's a little girl in a similar position to the younger you. Whatever feelings you have towards the upcoming festival, can you put them aside so she can have a bright childhood? The one you never had."

His words were carefully picked. Each syllable was crystal clear. He didn't stutter. He didn't sway. He just said what he had to. He wanted to make sure he said the right words without opening up last scars and wounds. For someone who's lazy and acts like he doesn't care about us most of the time, he seems to care a whole lot more than he shows.

He showed it at the USJ, at the camp, during the Sport's Festival and countless other times. Aizawa was a reliable teacher. Regardless of how many people could see that. He's always looked out for all of us in his own way. That's why he's our homeroom teacher.

Sure, we're all little shits, but if someone tried to kill us, he'd be there.

"I'll try," was all I could say.

He gave me a quick hug. "Get to sleep now problem child."

"That's Izuku's title."

"Well you're the original."

"How does that make sense?"

"Yuuei's been looking after you the longest. Even with Eri joining our protection at a young age, we've still watched over you for ten years. Eleven from your birthday."

"Yeah, yeah I guess..."

Aizawa paused, looking thoughtful. "That's why you don't celebrate your birthday anymore, isn't it?"

"That's ridiculous, why would I mention it to everyone if I hated it?"

"Because they'd find out either way."

I sighed. "I really can't get anything past you anymore, can I?"

Aizawa shook his head, a small smile at his lips. "I've known you far longer than All Might has. I'd be damned if you could get a single thing past me."

I gave him a half forced smile, sending a curt nod his way. "True... Sleep well Cat Mum."

"Training. Six o'clock sharp."

There's the Aizawa we all know and love...

{HIATUS} Quirkfull Hero: Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now