wonder fifteen

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I ran inside and i heard i crying voice when I got the the stairs. There was just enough space for me to get through. I was scared about the fire but as long as Beomgyu was safe, that was all that matters. "Beomgyu! Where a-are you!" I shouted trying to pass the fire, multiple times i nearly caught myself on it. "In the room that you see when you get up! Quick! Y-yeonjun, p-please." I heard his muffled voice and seen a burned down door when I got to the top of the stair case. I seen Beomgyu in the corner of the room, surrounded by fire. I started to cry as i ran into the room, it would be easy to use water, but there was no time, it was now or never. I got to the corner. "B-beomgyu, jump in my a-arms!" Beomgyu nodded and jumped. It felt like it was going in slow motion. I felt like the fire would get us any second now. I went with my heart and dashed down the stairs, i ran out the door where everyone else was standing, still booing. They all ran after me as i ran down the street, Beomgyu was in my arms, bridal style. I ran and ran, Beomgyu wasn't heavy which made me faster. I finally got to the woods and ran through it too, we got away from them all and we sat down near a tree. Beomgyu started to sob, a lot. "Thank you so m-much for-for s-saving m-me! Oh m-my god. T-thank you s-so much." Beomgyu said as he wrapped his arms around me, he hugged me tight. I hugged him back happily, i didn't know why. But I loved Beomgyu for some reason, i really didn't know why. "No problem, i didn't want y-you to die, i don't know why but i love you." Beomgyu pulled away and looked at me, happily, he was fan-boying. "R-really?! Oh my god, i actually really like you too, uh, I'm in your school and I would always see you. You w-were my crush, i just didn't know your name." Wow that was shocking. I just had a shocked face on far a couple of seconds, but i don't know what made me do what i did after. I felt my lips on Beomgyu's, i had kissed him, after only one day of knowing him. Maybe it was love at first sight? I don't know, but i wonder what will happen in the future...



[ wonder fifteen ~ what will happen in the future? ]

𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜. 𝖸𝖤𝖮𝖭𝖦𝖸𝖴Where stories live. Discover now