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About a week after I've settled in to my new home in the Village, there's a ring at my door.

"We have a doorbell?" I mutter out loud, trudging down the stairs. According to Maple, I talk to myself a lot nowadays.

I swing the door open to find Canna, holding a small box in her hands.

"Canna?" I raise my eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought you a gift." She says, smiling. She hands me the small bag. "Now, don't open it until you get into your room. I want it to be a surprise." She smiles at me again, then closes the door. I hear her footsteps fade.

"Huh." I say, eyeing the bag before walking back upstairs.

I walk into my room and shut the door behind me. Sitting down on my bed, I begin to untie the ribbon that holds it shut.

I push past wrapping paper until my fingers feel a small pendant and chain through the paper. I tear apart the thin paper and find the necklace I wore for my Victor's interview.

I pull out the wrapping paper, finding a small slip of paper at the bottom of the bag. I take it between my fingers, it's too small to do much else with.

On the tiny surface, I see small letters. I hold the paper close to my face, struggling to read the tiny print.

you're free, it reads. I'm so proud. Tell no one of this note, and burn it as soon as possible.

Your stylist, Anni.




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