Straight Torture

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People say that school is hell, but to be honest, this morning was the worst hell I've ever faced

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People say that school is hell, but to be honest, this morning was the worst hell I've ever faced.

To begin my lovely morning, gray woke me up by pouring a bucket of water over me, getting my entire bed wet and on top of that I have to clean it up and not Grayson! How is that fair?

Then I was the last one to shower which means I got freezing cold water, and all I got to eat for breakfast today was a granola bar.

I've earned my right to be grumpy today.

I am now sitting at my lunch table waiting for Grace and Dylan to get their food and join me. I was about to pop a fry in my mouth when someone tapped my shoulder.

I drop my fry and turn to face the person who tapped me, "Oh, hey Mason."

"Hey, my lunch got switched because I had to switch of one of my classes and I don't know anyone in this lunch, but then I spotted you. Can I join you?" He explains

"Sure! Take a seat!" I'm so lucky my brother's don't have this lunch wave.

"Thanks," A smile appears on his face as he sits next to me.

"And who is this hottie?" Dylan asks fully knowing who it is, as he sits down at the table too.

"Calm your whoremones Dylan." I roll my eyes at him, "This is Mason"

"Damn," He whistles, "He's even better than you described him. You don't happen to be gay or even bi?"

"Sorry, but I'm as straight as an uncooked spaghetti noodle." Mason chuckles and Dylan shakes his head.

"Dylan you're too much."

"What did Dylan do this time?" Grace comes into view as she sits down, "Oh hey Mason, I didn't know you had this lunch."

"Yeah, I got switched."

"Oh yay! Now you get to sit with us! Anyways, who wants to hang out at the mall tonight?" Grace asks.

"I can't, I got grounded." I sulk.

"What? Why?" Grace whines.

"Got caught talking to a boy."

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