"I wear what I want when I want," Billie said in an annoyed tone, offended that Anthony thought she was so desperate for a guy's attention that she would stoop to that level . "Not for any man. I'll have you know that this is Miu Miu's latest design that was featured in Paris's fashion week. It's basically a work of art."

"I'll have you know that I didn't understand a word you just said," Anthony said, not looking like he cared about the dress that Billie so obviously adored. She was rarely like a typical teenage girl about anything else but clothes seemed to be her weakness.

"Please don't use the word "side boob" and Billie in the same sentence," Sebastian said, looking really uncomfortable.

"You guys are so adorable," Anthony said before glancing over at Paul who seemed to be the odd one out. He had been standing awkwardly by himself for a minute since he didn't know Anthony, Sebastian, and Billie well enough to join in on the conversation.

"Hey, Paul, don't you think Billie and Sebastian are an adorable little family now? I'm surprised Sebastian hasn't given Holland the ole dad talk yet."

"For the last time, I'm not fucking dating Tom," Billie said, growing more and more irritated with her friend. She really wondered why she considered him to be her friend since he teased her all the time. Right...because he was Mackie and everyone secretly enjoyed his teasing. "I don't know why you're so obsessed with the idea of us dating."

"Because you always get all mad and irritated whenever I bring it up," Anthony said teasingly as he glanced at Paul yet again.

"Seriously, Paul, this girl hilariously rejects the mere idea of dating that kid like a health nut rejects the idea of fast food."

"Maybe the reason you get so mad about him suggesting that there's something going on because there is something going on," Paul said, making a whole lot of sense while Billie just stared at him silently for a moment. Even Anthony and Sebastian grew quiet at Paul's thoughtful statement.

It was another moment before Billie finally spoke but when she did, she left everyone speechless.

"I've decided that I don't like you," Billie told Paul and the older actor's eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't tell if Billie was joking or not since she said it with a straight face. However, before Sebastian, Anthony, or Paul could question the teenage girl, the woman from before returned.

"It's time," She told them all and Billie raised an eyebrow at the three men before taking the lead, forcing the rest of them to follow her. There was silence for a brief moment of time as the three men watched the back of her blonde head strangely, not understanding her actions or words in the least bit. The sound people backstage fixed the mics and transmitter packs on them, adjusting them while making sure the audio was working correctly. The three men had almost forgotten about Billie's weird statement until she spoke again, shocking them even more this time.

"And there's absolutely nothing going on."

Billie was met with a loud round of applause and even louder cheering as her name along with Anthony, Sebastian, and Paul's names were all called out. No one really knew this but there were lights behind the cameras that were blindingly bright and Billie had long ago taught herself not to wince at the brightness.

One of the most difficult parts about doing an interview like this was pretending like she hadn't just seen Chris or Jimmy backstage an hour ago. She had to pretend like this was the first time she had seen him in months. Everyone loved a good on-camera reunion.

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