Chapter Eleven

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Author's Note: If I'm being honest, this is only a filler chapter. Things pick up a bit more in the next chapter although it's not until chapter thirteen that things really start getting interesting again. Chapter Thirteen will skip ahead to early 2016. This chapter is also kind of short.

Please let me know what you think of this chapter. I really love reviews.

Lindale, Texas


"I can't believe you, Ethan!" Sarah McCallister yelled at her husband who was currently nursing a black eye as he held a bag of frozen peas against his face. 

Billie knew her father was injured even though she wasn't in the same room as her parents. She had witnessed him get beaten up, after all, and she had also witnessed him get arrested. Clark had stayed with her until her mother arrived. Buford and his men had already scattered when they heard the sirens. The local police found her father beaten up and drunk in the parking lot of the bar.

He, like always, mouthed off to the police so they arrested him for drunk and disorderly conduct.

Billie, for the rest of her life, would never forget the lonely feeling she felt as she waited on the front steps of the bar with Clark. Even with Clark there, she never felt more alone in her life. The little seven year old stared off into the dark street for what felt like hours until her mother finally returned from the school she was attending in Dallas. It was a long drive so it was hard for her to be reached but it didn't matter to Billie. 

It didn't matter because Billie had spent an hour and a half reliving her father getting beaten up and arrested. A lot of things went through her mind in that time. Mostly she was just worried about her father.

She was worried that he was going to stay in jail this time.

This wasn't the first time her father had been arrested and it wasn't the first time she had been there when he was arrested either. When Billie was five her father had taken her with him when he went to go "fix" cars for people. That's the lie he told her anyways. Little did she knew that fixing really meant stealing. The only reason her father didn't end up going to prison was because his lawyer, his brother and Billie's Uncle Levi, was a big shot lawyer from Austin. Billie's uncle managed to get her father off on a technicality.

Her father was always like that. He was like a snake, never knowing the consequences of his actions and lying for the hell of it. He lied, cheated, stole, and he never paid for any of it...because he always got away with everything. This wasn't something she thought when she was seven but it was something that Billie came to figure out as the years passed by. Seven year old Billie could see no wrong in her loser of a father.

Seven year old Billie was naïve.

"What is it now, Sarah?" Ethan said tiredly in the living room as Billie listened to her parents argue in her bedroom like she normally did. She sat on the edge of her bed, a scared look on her face as she held Mr. Gator tightly in her arms.

"Not only did you get yourself arrested but you brought our daughter to a bar! A bar!" Sarah said as she yelled at him. "She was left alone while the police took you into custody!"

"It's not a big deal! Clark was know Clark." Ethan said defensively.

"Oh my god. You know what you did yet you don't even care. Something bad could've happened to her but it's like none of this means anything to you." Sarah said in disbelief. "I know I shouldn't have left her alone with you after last time...but I thought you learned your lesson. I thought you were finally getting your shit together."

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