Chapter Five

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Author's Note: There's not much Tom in this chapter but more of Sebastian and Anthony Mackie. I tried to base this Anthony Mackie off the hilarious one I see in the interviews and I've used some of the funny things I remember him saying in those interviews. Seriously though...whenever I'm feeling a bit down I just watch an interview with Anthony Mackie and he makes me laugh so much. I hope the Falcon gets a bigger part in future Marvel movies...hopefully.

"I'm just trying to understand this thing, Joe." Billie said as she talked to one of the Russo brothers. They were standing around on set, waiting for Sebastian and Mackie to get done with their fitting so that they could finish shooting a scene together. Billie and Joe were killing time with conversation but Billie just had a lot of questions where Spider-Man was concerned.

"Why does Emma even want to waste her time with Peter Parker? What's so special about him...besides being Spider-Man, I mean. She's the Viper Assassin. Why does she even want anything to do with any guy after all the shit she's been through?" Joe smiled, looking more than eager to discuss the connection between Emma Rogers and Peter Parker.

"Look, I'm not saying that it's going to be romantic." Joe told her and Billie wanted to roll her eyes. Of course it was going to be romantic. Emma was a fifteen year old girl and Peter was a fifteen year old boy in a movie together. She honestly doubted Marvel would resist the urge to make another comic book romance. She just hoped they weren't as lame as Thor and Jane or weird like Natasha and Bruce. "The movie is only going to feature the Viper Assassin and Spider-Man's first meeting. They definitely find each other interesting in this movie and there's the beginning of an attraction. It's not love at first sight by any means but there's definitely a lot of chemistry there."

"Wait a second. First meeting?" Billie questioned as she gave Joe a suspicious look. "Are you saying that they're going to be in another movie together? Don't tell me this means that I have to be in a Spider-Man movie."

Billie wasn't sure how she felt about being in a Spider-Man movie. She never liked the Tobey Maguire ones and the only thing she liked about the Andrew Garfield ones was Emma Stone. She didn't know about being in a Spider-Man movie although Billie knew that she didn't have a choice in the matter anyways. When she first signed on to do the Winter Soldier, she also signed a contract with Marvel to do nine movies. They never specified what movies those were so she was obligated to be in whatever movie Marvel asked her to be in.

"I can neither confirm nor deny that." Joe told her which only frustrated Billie more. She loved Joe and Anthony but those two dorks really got on her nerves sometimes. "But what I'm getting at is that Emma finds Spider-Man fascinating because for her whole life she was experimented on and trained to be the strongest being. She admires strength and power so when she meets Spider-Man at the airport, she's immediately taken back by how powerful he is. She becomes very curious about him. This is a parallel we've been wanting to draw from the comic books."

"So she's attracted to how strong he is? This is starting to sound like Tarzan or some shit." Billie commented and Joe immediately shook his head.

"Not at all. Initially she finds his strength and power curious but once they get to meet each other as Emma Rogers and Peter Parker, there will be other traits of his that she'll admire and vice versa." Joe told her and Billie nodded.

"But they won't meet as Emma and Peter in this movie?" She inquired and he shook his head.

"No." He confirmed before something else occurred to Billie.

"So as far as relationships are concerned, what couple in cinematic history would you compare them to? You've got a goody two shoes and a cold hearted bitch. It's not exactly common." Billie said and Joe just smirked at her.

"Think Princess Leia and Han Solo." He told her and Billie frowned.

"You're saying that Emma's Princess Leia?" Billie asked, somewhat disappointed, but Joe surprised her by what he said next.

"No, I'm saying that Emma's Han Solo." He told her and Billie's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting him to give her that kind of response. Emma as Han Solo and Peter as Princess Leia? That was certainly interesting. There was no doubt in Billie's mind about that.

"Oh. Well, I guess I can get behind that." Billie said casually although she really loved the idea of Emma being Han Solo in the complex future relationship that the former assassin and webslinger were going to have. Han Solo was everyone's favorite character in the Star Wars universe...well, at least in Billie's opinion. However, before Joe could respond to her statement, Sebastian and Anthony came strolling up. Billie rolled her eyes as she spotted Anthony yapping away as he made Sebastian laugh. That guy was the most distracting person she had ever met. No one ever got any work done with Anthony Mackie around.

"It's about damn time you two showed up." Billie said as she narrowed her eyes at the both of them. Mackie just grinned at her while Sebastian gave her an amused smile.

"You're right. It is about damn time." Mackie told her and Billie tried not to let that smug look on his face bother her. "Now the fun can finally start."

"Or maybe we can just shoot the scene." Joe suggested quietly and Mackie just smirked at him.

"Who said there can't be any fun in acting?" The actor said smugly and the tired director just sighed heavily, trying not to let himself go insane over the many infuriating actors on set.

"I'm going to go discuss something with my brother and Kevin." Joe said as he began to excuse himself from the three actors. "Try not to screw anything up while I'm gone."

"I'm hurt, Joe. I really am." Mackie said, pretending to be offended but the director just rolled his eyes before he walked off to go find his brother. Billie was left alone with the two older actors who immediately turned to look at her.

"How's our resident cowgirl doing?" Mackie asked teasingly and Billie rolled her eyes. She might've been from bumfuck nowhere in Texas but Billie was most certainly not a cowgirl. She didn't grow up on a ranch and she had only ridden a horse once in her whole life. Billie considered herself to be more like trailer park trash than cowgirl.

"Well, I'd be better if you could manage to actually show up to set on time." Billie said in a bitchy tone and Sebastian scoffed.

"Bills, I've lost track of the amount of times you've shown up late. The only difference between you and Mackie is that you turn that cute little Texan accent up a notch to get you out of trouble." Sebastian pointed out and Mackie nodded his head in agreement.

"Cute little blonde white girls with Texan accents seem to do the trick." Mackie said as he smirked once more. "However, a thirty something black guy with a Louisiana accent is a whole other story. Trust me on that one."

"You two are both idiots." Billie told them and the older actors only smiled in amusement at her before changing the subject. The expression on Sebastian's face grew more serious as he recalled something he forgot to ask her last time they talked. Although he didn't think she gave him much of a chance to speak when she threw him out of her trailer.

"I forgot to ask you last time...did you ever get a call back about that Shyamalan movie?" Sebastian asked her, inquiring about the M. Knight Shyamalan movie that Billie had auditioned for not that long ago. Billie shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant about the whole thing but deep down she was really holding out for that lead role in Shyamalan's upcoming film. She had grown up with movies like The Sixth Sense and Signs so it would be beyond amazing if she could work with Shyamalan.

"Not yet. I'm hoping I'll hear something soon but I'm still waiting." Billie told them and Anthony just gave her an odd look.

"I don't even know why you want to be in a Shyamalan movie. They haven't been that great lately. Have you even seen The Happening?" Anthony said to her and Billie rolled her eyes.

"Not all his movies are winners but those first ones in his career were great and I read part of the script of this new one. I think he's really making a comeback, guys. A big one." Billie told them, recalling how much she had fallen in love with the story when she auditioned for the upcoming movie. She loved the characters and how complex they were. Billie was one hundred percent positive M. Knight Shyamalan was making a huge comeback. There was no doubt in her mind.

"If you say so, Billie." Anthony said, not sounding entirely convinced but Billie didn't care what he thought. This was her career and this was a film she really wanted to do. Anthony was just going to look like an idiot when this movie came out someday and he realized that he had underestimated the genius that was M. Knight Shyamalan. The older actor then smirked at Billie when he decided to take this conversation in a more interesting direction.

"Anyways...have you talked to your boyfriend lately? Seb was just telling me about you and him." Billie glared at her two friends.

"Stop calling him that! I barely know the kid." Billie grumbled which only amused the two men even more. Anthony practically cackled as he looked at the unamused look on her face.

"Can you imagine how hilarious that would be? The redneck and the little English boy? It sounds like a fairytale." Anthony teased and Billie smacked him on the arm but the man only laughed more. Sebastian also snickered at the pissed look on Billie's face.

"I'm not a fucking redneck, asshole." Billie spat as she tried not to let Seb and Mackie push her too far. As much as she loved those two, they sure knew how to piss her off.

"I don't know why everyone's decided that there's something going on just because there's someone within the same age range as me on set. Well, here's some news for all y'all..."

Billie briefly paused as she looked between Sebastian and Anthony. Both men knew that they had really pissed the actress off this time. She only used the term "all y'all" when she was angry or worked up.

"I've met boys who happen to be the same age as me in the past. There's nothing funny or unique about it. In fact, I've been on quite a few dates with some of those boys." Billie told them as she tried to make it clear to them that just because there was a guy on set that was her age, it didn't mean that they were a match made in heaven. Billie never thought that about Sebastian and Lizzie or Chris and Emily.

"So stop making this into something it isn't. In case you idiots don't know, this is a job. You don't mix your personal life with your professional one."

"Sometimes I really think you're the reincarnation of some old man." Sebastian stated as he stared at the blonde girl. "What teenage girl thinks like that? You sound like a sociopath."

"Well, excuse me for wanting to remain professional in my place of work." Billie told them both and Anthony just loved teasing her because she got so worked up.

"Come on, Bills, just calm down. We're messing with you." Anthony told her as he smirked at the annoyed looking actress. "We both know Billy Elliot isn't your type. What are you going to do? Sit around and drink tea all day with him?"

"The only tea I like is nice and cold. None of that lukewarm shit." Billie said stubbornly and both men chuckled.

"Can you actually imagine the two of you together?" Anthony said as he attempted to picture it. "Ello, Billie! Can you get me some tea and crumpets, love? God save the Queen." Billie actually managed to laugh at Anthony's terrible British accent. He sounded even worse than Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins.

"Mummy, I need to use the loo. Please, mummy. Won't you let me use the loo?" Billie said as she did her own even worse British accent. It was like a high pitch massacre of the British accent.

If there was one thing Billie wasn't a master at, it was accents. The only accent she could do really well was the general American sounding one as well as the Tennessee accent which Billie always had a lot of fun with. Other than that, it usually took a lot of work from dialect coaches to get her speaking with a British accent. Billie had only had a British accent once in one of the movies she did but she didn't remember how to speak with the British accent. That time during filming was like a blank space in her mind.

Anthony laughed but Sebastian just shook his head in disbelief. A horrified and disgruntled looking Paul Bettany, who was currently out of his Vision make-up, stared at them from across set. Anthony just grinned at the British man.

"Like my British accent, Paul?!" Anthony called out to him, not looking the slightest bit embarrassed to have been caught. Billie wasn't either. Sebastian seemed embarrassed enough for the both of them. "I call it Black Cockney."

"Yeah and I call mine East Texan posh." Billie told him and Paul just rolled his eyes at the two ridiculous individuals.

"You two are the most annoying people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Never do that again." Paul told them and Anthony just continued to smirk at him.

"Don't be like that, mate." Anthony said in his terrible British accent again and Paul just gave him a disgusted look before leaving. Billie watched the man leave in amusement. It seemed like they were always pissing the British actor off in some way. Paul once told her that she was perhaps the most American person he had ever met. Elizabeth told her that he was insulting her but Billie liked to pretend that he was actually complimenting her.

"Have you talked to the new guy?" Anthony then asked as he changed the subject and Sebastian also looked at her curiously. "I talked to him a little earlier but the kid seemed real jumpy."

"We talked for about fifteen minutes in the make-up trailer." Billie told them. "He seemed okay to me."

"What did you talk about?" Sebastian asked her and Billie shrugged.

"Just sports mostly." Billie told them and Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"Really? Sports? You couldn't find anything else to talk about?" Sebastian asked her and Anthony just looked mystified.

"You're telling me Billy Elliot plays a sport?" Anthony asked her and Billie sighed.

"Well, no but he said that he was a fan of soccer. He said he liked Arsenal...whatever that is. I know shit about soccer but I doubt he knew anything about what I was talking about either." Billie told them and she knew the guys weren't going to be any help either. Anthony was mainly a fan of football while Sebastian didn't care much for sports at all. Sebastian scoffed at her remark.

"Don't tell me you started bragging about your baseball career again." Sebastian said and Billie glared at him. "You played little league."

"Excuse me, dickhead, but little league is still a huge deal." Billie told him as Sebastian was forced to listen to the same thing Billie repeatedly told him in the past. "ESPN has the little league world series televised every year so don't tell me it's not a big deal. Besides...I was an amazing baseball player. You should've seen the way I threw the ball. I could-"

Sebastian interrupted Billie before she could even finish.

"Yes, we all know, Billie. You had a 65 mph pitch. Congrats." Sebastian said because Billie had mentioned the same thing many times before. It was strange to Sebastian that she was so arrogant about her talent in baseball, a sport she hadn't played in many years, but she was never the same way about acting. Sebastian didn't think he heard the girl be arrogant even once about acting and she was a phenomenal actress. The same thing couldn't be said about baseball because Billie bragged about her very short career in baseball the same way Anthony bragged about his short career in football. It must be a sport thing, Sebastian determined.

"You can mock all you want, Sea Bass, but this girl has one hell of an arm." Anthony said as he threw an arm across Billie's shoulders casually. "When we were filming Age of Ultron we played a couple games and no one could hit the ball with the speed this girl was throwing it at. Renner miserably failed."

"He was so pissed. It was hilarious." Billie said as she recalled the event with a smile on her face. Anthony looked down and smiled at the blonde.

"You should've stuck with it, Bills. You could've gone pro." Anthony told her and Billie shrugged.

"What and give up hanging out with you, Mackie? No way in hell." Billie said sarcastically but a part of her wondered what life would've been like if she hadn't quit baseball. She probably never would've continued her acting career.

That was for sure.

But was Anthony right?

Could she have gone pro?

Billie honestly doubted it. There was a small chance, as a girl, that she would've been good enough to play on a high school team and an even smaller chance that she would've been able to play baseball in college. However, there was probably a miniscule chance that she could've gone pro. There had never been a woman in the major baseball league before. Billie had heard about other up and coming little league baseball female baseball players who were even better than she had been yet they couldn't make it into the MLB. But that wasn't why Billie had quit baseball.

Billie had loved baseball so much that she would've kept playing it even if she never made it big. It was just that some things changed. It suddenly hurt too much to play baseball and Billie wasn't talking physically either. When she picked up a glove again last year, for a game on set, it had been the first time in years that she had played the game and almost hurt just like it used to.

Baseball just brought up too many memories for her.

Unpleasant memories.

"You two are a couple of jocks, you know that? I doubt that kid cares that you played baseball or if Mackie played football." Sebastian told them but Billie and Anthony just smirked at him. Sebastian really hated it when those two got together and conspired. Those two were worse together. He wondered if it was a southern thing. Did southerners stick together like that? Sebastian really hoped not because Mackie and Billie had the two most distinct personalities on set.

"Well, if he was cool then he would care." Anthony replied and Billie just shrugged. The older man then looked down at the blonde as something else came to mind. Something that concerned both the likes of Billie but also that British kid. "How are you feeling about him by the way?" Billie gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean?" Billie asked him and Anthony shrugged nonchalantly although he had a smug look on his face.

"You'll probably have to have intense make-out scenes with that guy. It'll be better if you at least like him a little bit." Anthony pointed out and Billie rolled her eyes.

"Joe actually said there won't be any sort of romantic scenes in this movie so it looks like I won't have to worry about that." Billie told him, not appearing to be too worried.

"Come on, Bills, they're probably going to throw together some romance in future movies. It's inevitable." Sebastian said, giving his input. Billie glared at the two actors before finally answering them.

"First off, Spider-Man really got around in the comic books so it's likely they'll cast someone as one of the hundred girls he slept with to be the love interest because Emma's way too cool to be a love interest." Billie told them seriously while the two actors just watched her in amusement. They just liked to get her all riled up.

"Second, even if it did happen then it wouldn't matter. I've kissed guys for movies before. It's no big deal. It's just a job."

"Way to make it sound romantic, Bills." Sebastian said sarcastically and Billie just scoffed.

"There's nothing romantic about it." Billie said stubbornly. "If they want to make Emma into some lovesick loser then fine. That's their decision. Tell me which idiot I have to kiss and then pay up."

Sebastian just stared in disbelief at the teenage girl while Anthony laughed his head off. Billie never ceased to amaze him. He wondered what was going through her head most of the time. Still...Billie was probably his favorite person on set. She was the most real and straight forward person he had met in Hollywood and especially one that was a child actor. Although Anthony thought she took the Hollywood game a lot less seriously than most people. Maybe it was because she wasn't from Los Angeles or New York like a lot of other child actors were.

That probably had something to do with it.

"Anyways...I was thinking that maybe we should all get together for dinner tomorrow night." Anthony said as he changed the subject to something more light hearted. The annoyed look on Billie's face vanished and it was replaced with a more curious look. Sebastian already knew about what Anthony was proposing so he remained silent. "I'm hosting a little get together at the house my wife and I are renting just outside the city. I've invited everyone and maybe you should come too."

"A get together?" Billie questioned incredulously and Anthony nodded.

"I know you feel left out of a lot of things with being underage and all. You can't exactly go partying with us all night." Anthony said and Sebastian scoffed. "I just thought it would be nice to have a more kid friendly get together. That way everyone can bring their families and it'll be fun."

"Not that she would want to go out with us at night anyways." Sebastian mumbled and Anthony rolled his eyes.

"Just because you're a little hermit doesn't mean Billie has to be one too." Anthony told him and Billie wanted to roll her eyes again because those two could really bicker when they wanted to.

"I'm just saying that she's probably better off reading her books like she always does. I doubt she needs to see Evans get shit faced." Sebastian told him and Billie shrugged nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I've already seen enough of that from my dad when he was still around. The fact that Evans can't hold his liquor doesn't really surprise me." Billie said before continuing. "Besides...I don't need you hosting a family friendly get together just because I'm the youngest one on set. It's already embarrassing enough."

And it was true.

Although Billie doubted she would really go out to nightclubs with the other cast members, she still felt a tiny bit left out whenever Chris and Anthony chatted about what a fun night they had. Everyone also had their own little inside jokes from these nights out and Billie didn't exactly feel included. It wasn't their fault or anything but Billie just always felt awkward about being the youngest one. It was like that on Mad Men too.

Sebastian tried to make her feel better about the whole thing by staying in with her and her mom but she suspected it was more because he was kind of a shut-in like her. That and he liked flirting with her mom for some disgusting reason. Luckily, her mom was back home in Texas so Sebastian wouldn't get the chance. Billie thought that she could puke just from thinking about Sebastian ogling her mom.

"You're not the only youngest one now. There's Billy Elliot too. He's like what? Nineteen?" Anthony said as he tried to appease her. "He'll be staying behind a lot too. At least here in Atlanta so there's no need to worry. I thought maybe this little cook out I'm having would be a nice way for y'all to get to know each other. Maybe you won't hate the kid after getting to know him a bit." Billie rolled her eyes.

"I never said I hated him. I just don't know him." Billie said because she really didn't hate Tom. She just didn't know him and she was always awkward around new people. It took her a while to get used to new people but he seemed nice enough.

"Well, get to know him then." Anthony told her. "The get together starts at six tomorrow night. You know where the house is so come on down."

"Sure." Billie said, knowing that if she didn't agree to go to this weird get together thing then Anthony would never let her hear the end of it.

"Bring your potato salad too. You make the best potato salad in the world. I don't know what your secret is." Anthony told her and Billie gave him an odd look but laughed nonetheless. "In fact, just bring it for me and no one else. Don't tell anyone else you're bringing it."

"You're so weird, Mackie." Billie told him as she continued to smile at the hilarious actor. It was then that Sebastian spoke for the first time in a while as he looked at her somewhat shyly. He cleared his throat awkwardly before speaking.

"So you know if your mom might come to this thing tomorrow night?" Sebastian asked Billie quietly and both Anthony and Billie fell silent as they stared at him incredulously. Billie just gave him an odd look before she reluctantly answered him.

"Probably not. She's really busy with the clinic back home." Billie told him, not knowing why he was asking her such a random question. Well, she actually did know why but she'd really like to not think about it.

"Oh...okay." Sebastian said, sounding a little bit disappointed by her answer. Billie just awkwardly looked at the ground as she tried to forget the random question he asked about her mom. The only person, however, that didn't seem awkward about the whole thing was Anthony as the older man busted out laughing. Billie had an uncomfortable look on her face while Sebastian just glared at him.

"Ha! Seb's thirsty for Billie's mom!" Anthony said loudly and both Billie and Sebastian blushed. Billie was mostly just embarrassed because she thought someone might've heard Anthony. "You can't blame the guy, Bills. You've got a hot mom."

"Shut the fuck up, you moron. Someone might hear you." Billie snapped as she glared at the man and Sebastian just looked incredibly awkward at having been called out on his interest in Billie's mom.

"Sarah and I are just friends." Sebastian muttered quietly and Billie looked back at him with a disgusted look on her face.

"Ew! Don't call my mom Sarah. That's disgusting." Billie told him as she furiously shook her head. "And you also can't be friends with my mom."

"Why not?" Sebastian questioned and Billie looked at him as if it were obvious.

"Because we're friends. You can't be friends with both me and my mom. I don't want you snitching on me to her." Billie told him but Sebastian didn't look bothered.

"But you never do anything worth snitching on anyways." Sebastian pointed out and Billie groaned in frustration.

"You just can't be friends with my mom, Seb. Okay? It's weird." Billie told him and it honestly was weird.

Her mom and Sebastian had weirdly hit it off from the start which wasn't odd considering that they were the same age but Billie honestly felt a little jealous. Not because she was into Sebastian or anything because that would be gross as much as she joked about marrying him someday. No, it was because hanging out with Sebastian was almost like having a dad again. She'd probably never tell him that because he'd think it was weird but Billie had to admit that she was a little possessive over Sebastian. He was probably the only costar she saw regularly even when they were off set.

Sebastian was all the things she wished her real dad could've been but never was. However, Billie tried not to get sentimental like that because she knew she was only opening herself up to rejection again which was why she never told Sebastian how she truly felt. Everything was fine just the way it was.

"You're just freaked out because Seb has the hots for your mama." Anthony told her and Sebastian glared at his friend.

"I do not." Sebastian denied but Anthony knew better than that. Hell, even Billie knew better than that although she would never admit it aloud. "Just forget it. I was just inquiring whether or not Billie's mom was going be there because she's a lot better company than you, Mackie."

"Oh, I bet she is." Anthony said as he grinned at him knowingly. "You'd just love to take Billie's mom home and make love to her all night long, wouldn't you?" Billie and Sebastian both gave the actor disgusted looks. Billie couldn't believe he really went that far this time.

"Okay, just for that I'm going to make the potato salad but you're not getting any. Sebastian can have it all and we all know he'll eat every last piece of it because he eats everything." Billie said before turning to her other friend. "Come on, Seb, let's see if the Russos are ready to shoot that scene yet. I'm tired of listening to this guy's loud mouth."

"I think you're right, Bills." Sebastian said as he gave his other friend a rather pointed look. Billie and Sebastian then proceeded to walk away from Anthony who was still laughing at the both of them.

"You and your future daddy probably want to have a daddy/daughter day out. I get it." Anthony teased and both Sebastian and Billie flipped the man off in unison. He just cackled in that way he always did when he had succeeded in pissing them off.

Billie just hoped to god that he didn't start bringing up the Sebastian and her mom thing at the get together tomorrow night. That would be embarrassing and not to mention it would give something for Evans and Downey to tease her about. Billie didn't know if she was exactly looking forward to the get together tomorrow night but she knew that she would go anyways. If she didn't then it would somehow get back to her mom and then her mom would nag her about getting out more and talking to people. Billie would just have to go along with it. Hopefully everyone would be so busy that she could leave without anyone noticing.

Billie could only hope.

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