Chapter Twenty-Three

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Author's Note: So sorry it took me forever to update but I've super uninspired for most of my stories lately. I've had this new chapter eighty percent done for almost two years but I finally got a lot more inspiration recently and I finished it. I hope everyone enjoys it. Thanks for being so patient. I really appreciate it. Hopefully my updates are more frequent from now on. 

Also let me just put a WARNING for some SMUT featured in this chapter. 

Billie sat on a couch inside her trailer on set of the new movie. She was currently re-reading the script even though she was certain she had all her lines memorized. While Billie didn't take life very seriously, she did take her work very seriously. Knowing her lines was more important to Billie than anything.

"What's going on with you and Tom?" Matteo asked, breaking Billie out of her thoughts. The blonde didn't even look up from her script. She actually refused to.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Billie mumbled, trying to keep her eyes on the script. Matteo scoffed.

"You've been weird ever since the pool party. Why did we have to leave so early?" Matteo questioned and Billie sighed tiredly.

"One in the morning isn't early," Billie answered and Matteo just stared at her.

"You stay up to three in the morning most nights. What are you even talking about?"

"Nothing's going on with me and Holland," She denied and Matteo gave her a doubtful look.

"Did you see how close you two were last night?" Matteo asked his friend who just sighed. She set the Marvel issued tablet down.

"Things got out of hand," Billie admitted, not looking very impressed with herself. "We were just having fun and we took it a little too far but I'm at work now so I won't make the same mistake again."

"I don't get the big fucking deal, woman!" Matteo complained. It was never easy trying to figure out his best friend. Even after knowing her for basically his whole life. Billie was complicated. Matteo loved Billie more than anything but sometimes he missed the Billie he used to know. The Billie before her dad left. That Billie had been worry free, happy, and full of life.

Matteo remembered her telling everyone at school that her dad was getting a deal with the MLB and that he would return any day now. No one believed it. Only Billie. Matteo used to remember his friend looking at the door as if she expected her father to come walking through at any moment. When they played outside she used to stop and stare at every car that passed by in hopes that it was her father coming home.

However, something changed after that first Christmas.

When her father neglected to come home for Christmas, Billie never looked at the door or any passing cars ever again. Something changed in her that day. Billie had become a little more bitter and resentful. She never trusted people easily anymore.

Especially men.

The only exception to that rule was Sebastian who Billie adored for whatever reason. While Billie seemed to go through boyfriend after boyfriend, none of them hung around long enough for Matteo to get to know and Billie didn't seem to genuinely care for any of them. She saw them as temporary and replaceable. Matteo knew this mistrust towards men stemmed from her father's abandonment.

Matteo even wondered if this was why she was hesitant to start anything with Tom. Maybe it had nothing to do with movie contracts or valuing her friendship with him. Matteo knew his best friend and he knew when she was bullshitting people. He just needed to get her to admit that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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