Chapter 4: Reviving Your Engines

Start from the beginning

"Hunter says you're being unaccommodating to our new guests."

Lisa sighs again. She had a feeling that Chaeyoung would come to talk to her about this shit.

"Hunter can go screw himself. I don't need to be accommodating to anyone, especially not a couple of hot headed Korean's who think they can come in here and take over things."

"Actually I think that Chanyeol boy is half korean or not?" Chaeyoung says her nose scrunching a bit, Lisa quirks an eyebrow in the girl's direction as she flops to the couch, "And who's taking over things? I haven't really seen them do much of anything."

"She's just infuriating and so damn precise all the time." Lisa starts to say standing from where she had been perched on the edge of her own couch and throwing her hands in the air.

"Who's she?" Chaeyoung asks curiously, not immediately picking up on the topic of Lisa's rant.

"Always dressed so proper and posh when there's no need for it." Lisa then says.

"Oh right...her." Chaeyoung regards, the light bulb clicking on the fact that Lisa is talking about the resident beauty queen Jennie who does seem to wear a lot of ritzy outfits and tight, tight dresses.

"Talking about do this to your car, you should do that, this will work better. And she's everywhere! I mean I just want a fucking second to myself and she's always right there." Lisa exclaims turning to face Chaeyoung again and breathing out a little more frantically. Chaeyoung finds herself smirking in Lisa's direction.

"Do you realize how incredibly smitten kitten you sound right now?"

Lisa pauses from her flailing around on the couch and mumbling incoherent words to turn and look at her best friend's smug looking face. Her eyes narrow in an instant.

The thing about Chaeyoung is that she's got this outward façade where she tries so hard to be perfect and what everyone expects her to be, and when that doesn't work she's a cold hard bitch and you had better watch your back because nothing's safe. She's blonde and she's beautiful so she thinks she's likely to get away with murder.

The truth though, Chaeyoung just needs someone to love her.

Or, you know, not give her an inch and let her climb all over you. That's precisely where Lisa comes into the picture.

"You're bat shit crazy Chaeyoung." Lisa says at the same time she feels her face heating up in a flush and she's not entirely sure what's responsible for it. "No way in hell am I anything near smitten about Nini."

Chaeyoung just laughs a little more. Lisa crosses her arms over her chest and frowns, oblivious as to why her so called friend is being so damn cumbersome and infuriatingly frustrating.

"I've never seen you go on and on about any of the other girls you bring around here. You called her 'Nini' just now Lisa. Half the time you don't even remember girl's names, let alone what they were wearing before it ends up on your floor. But you remember every detail of every day that Jennie is involved in. There's something else there and you know it."

"Yeah, it's called fed up with her know it all attitude and fancy-schmancy look." Lisa bites right back.

"Do you think maybe its something else altogether?" Chaeyoung interrupts Lisa's current ramble about the way Jennie's hair manages to always look so damn perfectly windblown as it grazes her shoulders or she tucks it bashfully behind her ear. Lisa looks at her friend in confusion.

"How so?"

"I just mean, maybe you're projecting or something?"

Lisa's eyes narrow at her friend's words, knowing Chaeyoung is about to get all philosophical babble or she's going to flat out whack her upside the head. It's either or at this point.

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