Chapter 2

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     The five of us head to the meeting area and individually take our seats on the wooden chairs. The guards bowed us goodbye and head outside to prevent any infiltrators. The room we're in was mixed with elements of traditionally crafted wood fixtures in greenish-brown color scheme and pillars around the corners of the room. I sat next to Blake, while Sun took his seat near Kali. An unknown man, who appears to be Blake's father, casually sits down on the middle with a scroll and folder on his right. He turns his attention to me.

Ghira: I believe I haven't introduced myself. My name is Ghira Belladonna and I'm the former leader of the White Fang.

Weiss: It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.

Ghira: Please call me Ghira. I was wondering about something, Weiss. What made you come here?

Blake: Yeah. I heard that you flew back to Atlas after the Fall of Beacon.

Sun: Not to mention... You might have a death flag thanks to being here!

Ghira: As much as I don't want to agree, he has a point.

     Blake, Ghira, Kali, and Sun patiently wait for my reply. They weren't wrong though. My presence in Menagerie may cause bad outcomes on both Blake's family and I. I take a deep breath before I reply to their interrogation.

Weiss: I wanted to seek answers about the connection between the Schnee Dust Company and the White Fang. In my childhood, I've always heard outbursts of the White Fang from my father. I never knew what made the White Fang attack the SDC the most, but...

Ghira: But?

Weiss: I came here in good faith. Not to mention, I'm no longer an heiress to the SDC, so I didn't have any reason to stay longer in Atlas. What my purpose here is on my volition! I want to know what triggered the White Fang to cause this much damage towards the SDC.

Ghira: I wouldn't mind entertaining you on that, but we have bigger things to deal with. Like the White Fang in Vale.

     Ghira lays out a huge scroll on the middle. The scroll displayed photographs of the White Fang members, including Adam Taurus. I've read on the news that Adam Taurus was involved with the Fall of Beacon, but he previously lent his men to Roman Torchwick, Neopolitan and Cinder. I'm not sure... Why would he help humans, when he despises them the most?

Ghira: Based on Corsac and Fennec's information, the White Fang in Vale was compromised and rouge thanks to Adam's Taurus' command. I blame Sienna Khan for this.

Kali: Sienna Khan was the one in charge when she sent Adam Taurus to command the White Fang branch there. You wouldn't assign him there, would you?

Ghira: Sienna Khan was the one who encouraged him to kill. He protected us from the humans, but shedding blood isn't what the White Fang was for!

Blake: Ilia is still at Adam's side too. Sun and I witness her rescuing one of the White Fang members in Adam's side.

     Blake points to the Faunus with tan skin and dark brown scales all over his face.

Blake: I'm still uncertain if she was a part of that splinter group within the White Fang. She might be manipulated.

Sun: And Ilia ran away after that. They didn't leave any hints.

Blake: We don't know their motives yet.

     Despite lacking the answer to their motives, we didn't deny the fact that Adam Taurus might have more plans in store. This meeting was brainstorming for what Adam Taurus planned to do. Ghira wanted to reveal this information to the citizens of Menagerie once we have solid proof. To disclose this information in the public is risky, but it's better than keeping them in the dark. It's despicable that he'd go through this much destruction! Eventually, the meeting was over.

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