"It's the bear you!" You cried, a bit too giddy for seeing a literally stuffed toy that resembled him.

"Who fucking approved of this?!" Bakugou hollered grabbing the toy and looking for its tag with all the legal information. "My agent is getting fucking fired."

"What no!" You hollered, taking the bear from him and holding it close. "This bear is sooo cute! We have to buy it!"

He rose a brow. "Why would you want some cheap knock off when you literally married the real damn thing..."

You shrugged, holding the bear close to you and moving towards the checkout counter. "Cause it's cute and would be a cute present for the baby when they are born."

He rolled his eyes. "That maternal instinct is kicking in like a penalty kick, huh?"

You ignored him, pressing on further towards the checkout counter as he hung out towards the back. You waited in line patiently, seeming to be in a rather good mood today, especially with what you deemed to be worth 1200 yen.

He wasn't joking when he said it either, as you had definitely started to suddenly develop all these maternal attributes as of late as well. It seemed the pregnancy had officially started to take over your brain, and slowly but surely you were turning into a mom.

You were soon by his side again, walking out of the store. Your lips chattering on about wanting to get lunch and how you were craving pizza with chocolate sauce drizzled over the top of it. Bakugou looked truly nauseous at this but knew that if he denied you, the mood swing would strike.

"Sensei?" Someone asked from behind the pair of you ask you were talking.

You both paused, looking at a small group of three girls. One with dark auburn hair and green eyes, another with glittery silver hair and milky white eyes and the final one with spotted skin and reptilian eyes, her black hair tied a bun.

You smiled towards the girls, motioning for your husband to pay attention. "Ah! Hotaru, Kasumi, and Kameko. Nice running into you all."

The girls nodded to their homeroom teacher. It was always strange running into your teacher outside of school but then again, their sensei wasn't even out of her twenties yet, so of course, she would want to spend some time at the mall like the young person she was.

"We didn't know you went to this mall, Sensei!" The one with the auburn hair spoke, a small flame igniting on the edges of her locks.

"Hotaru... your hair." The girl with the milky eyes muttered softly.

"O-Oh! Thanks, Kasumi-chan!" Hotaru laughed. "Oh! Is this your husband, sensei?!"

The girl with the spotted skin lightly slapped Hotaru. "Don't be so blunt with your words! And it's obvious from what he's wearing that he doesn't want to be seen... so come on let's go!"

"Kameko... you're being rude." Kasumi muttered.

"I-I just want to respect sensei and her partner's privacy!" Kameko blushed, pulling her friends away. "We're going to be late for our movie anyway... come on."

"Oh, you're right! Kameko-chan!" Hotaru called, looking back towards her teacher. "Bye-bye sensei! See you on Monday!"

"Make sure to eat something healthy for the baby..." Kasumi muttered one final time before all three girls were out of sight.

You laughed lightly, always entertained by the students you had. And those three were always rather fun to see interact and grow. As you started to walk away with your husband, you could tell he was still processing it, seeing as he had yet to say anything.

"So... you got the chatterbox fire user, the monotone snow-white, and the prickly polka dots." He sighed. "UA always lets the fucking weirdest people in..."

"Well, they let you in... so I don't think anything could top that." You lightly teased. "And those three are really sweet. Hotaru is a little air-headed, but she is loyal to her core. Kasumi may not express herself often, but she's an expert at stealth training. And Kameko is a natural leader, but at times she struggles to decide whether to be harsh or kind."

"Sounds like a damn handful..." Bakugou sighed, taking a seat with you at a table out of major view in the food court.

"I enjoy it though. I do love teaching after all." You smiled, inhaling the intoxicating scent of various foods. "How about you though? Something's been on your mind lately, right?"

Bakugou's mouth fell open. How did you know?! He had thought he was being good about acting as normal as could be for him! You were some kind of fucking witch! Then again... you were a damn esper, so it was close enough. Maybe you were able to read minds after all and had lied to him this entire time... damn woman.

"Katsuki... whatever you're convincing yourself of... that's not it." You shook your head. "I just know you and know, especially among kids, like UA students... you always try to show off a little. So seeing you not even say a word to three of my students who idolize heroes... its clear something is occupying the space your ego is usually in."

His eye twitched. "Don't fucking use your damn hormones against me..."

You laughed sweetly. "Then tell me what's bothering you!"

You were for sure using this to your advantage, but he really couldn't keep it to himself now when you so clearly had found him out and was asking him to share. But who cared... he would have to have told you eventually, and you might as well give him some opinion since he had been curious what you'd say.

"I got called in to see Best Jeanist last week..." He admitted to you, watching as one of your brows rose.

"Did he fire you finally?" You asked, watching as your husband looked rather shocked by your blunt question.

"No! Why the fuck do you go to that first?!" he shouted, quieting down when he noticed people looking.

"I was kidding, Katsu." You laughed again, rolling your hand. "Now... tell me what your big bad boss wanted to talk to you about."

Bakugou inhaled slowly. "He's going to retire at the end of this year..."

Your eyes widened. "Are you serious? He's still in the top five! Is it because of his injury during Kamino? What's going to happen to his agency?"

Bakugou waved a hand, telling you to shut up and listen to him. You did so, and Bakugou continued on.

"Relax woman and let me finish. Yes, he's retiring because his health is declining and he wants to live peacefully and healthily for as long as he can. As for his agency... well... he wants me to take over, and wants it to become my agency."

It was out in the open now, so all he had to do now was wait for you to say something... anything.

"Really? That's great!!" You cried, clapping your hands together. "You've always wanted your own agency and now you're going to have your own! Say hello to the top ten, Ground Zero!"

He blinked. Was your first reaction seriously happiness?

"You're fine with it?" He asked, hesitant.

You nodded. "Of course I am! I know how much you've wanted this since we were fifteen... and I know how hard you've worked for it. So. I say go for it!"

He nodded slowly, happy to have your blessing over this matter... but something still felt off. Something... still felt as if he wasn't making the right decision if he decided to actually go for this new opportunity.

And as his eyes hit the small little bear plush of him sitting beside you... he started to have a little idea why exactly this didn't feel right to him.

Even so... he was stuck. Trying to decide between his family or his dream... was a decision he never wanted to make, and feeling as if he needed to right now, was slowly starting to weigh down on him more and more.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now