He immediately flinched, his face openly slackening with shock. He had never heard me speak of the Forsaken before, and had never known I was present at the warehouse. But by the sudden steel like expression that crossed his face and the swirling of his irises alerted me that realisation had kicked in. He glanced at Isaac, as if debating whether or not he knew of this information. Isaac had the decency to looked confused, his face pale.

"You have no proof." Pincel spat back, however a flicker of nervousness escaped his stern expression.

At this I frowned, it was true, I had no proof. And now that I was locked in a cell, I wouldn't be able to get any.

Pincel knew he had managed to dodge a bullet because his smile returned. "Ah, and she once again hits a dead end."

I gave him a murderous glare in response, my veins burning with anger.

A loud voice interrupted us and we both looked over to see Isaac stand against the bars that separated my cell from his. "Your warehouse full of illegal weaponry is enough proof for anyone." He spoke confidentially, his voice clear and stubborn. His gaze was fixed on Pincel, his irises dancing with amusement.

"How did you-"

"Know?" Isaac injected, his face wiped of any fear that he held. Although his wrists were bound behind his back, he looked regal, his golden hair matching his fiery eyes. "It's pretty easy to recognise a liar when I see one."

Pincel seemed unimpressed, his smile thinning. "You found my note for Renee."

Isaac shook his head at this, ruffling his curls. "Renee told me of you. She told me of the warehouse and I went, only to uncover what you truly are."

Now was the time that I hoped Isaac would question Pincel and beg for his mercy. Now was the time when Isaac would admit he too was a Parade member and seek support from his fellow member. But he never did, instead he said something that left both Pincel and I speechless.

"I do not know of what you are, but I do know you and Renee are not responsible for the murders. I am."

Pincel watched him steadily, studying him with a hard expression. I could tell he was trying to process this, his frown deepening with thought.

But then it all clicked. Pincel knew there was no such thing as the Brookefield murderer. He knew it was all but a fake lie spread around the community to hide the fact that the Forsaken were the true murderers of the children. He set me up and accused me of something he knew was fake for the sole purpose of seeing me fall, but now that Isaac was so evidently lying, he would be questioning why.

I tried to catch Isaacs eye but he didn't seem to understand. His gaze remained on Pincels, hard, stern and emotionless.

"Now this is interesting." Pincel regarded, his eyes unwavering from Isaacs. Isaac didn't flinch from his cruel look, but instead lifted his head up higher, as if in a challenge.

But then Pincel merely laughed, a new gleam in his eyes. It was at that moment that I knew Pincel had formed a plan. A plan so cunning and ruthless that his smile stretched across his face as though it was made of rubber. He turned away without a word, chuckling and shaking his head as he went. The loud bang of a door silenced his laughter before I whirled to Isaac, fear spiking my heart beat.

"Why would you lie?" I hissed, moving to walk towards him. He only watched me silently, his eyes finally meeting mine. There was something in them, a sacrifice he was willing to commit. I could tell by the way his flecks were masked with restraint. He was concealing what he felt the way he concealed his lie to the public. "Why didn't you admit you were a member of the Parade? He would spare you."

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