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A few weeks pass after I wake up in the hospital after the Ketsueki Kama attack. Over the course of those weeks, Anoki and Dad woke up for their comas. Unfortunately, Mom's still in her coma. " Tazana, you have to promise me that you will not go after them," Dad speaks sternly. I look away from him. "Tazana Kira Tava," He speaks sternly, making me look at him. "How can I not, Dad? They destroyed our home. They put nearly our whole family in the hospital! If the rest of the family wasn't on that mission--" "That's enough, Tazana!" Dad exclaims. I clenched my jaw. "You will not go after them. I almost lost you, I won't let it happen again," His voice is soft and full of worry. I look down at my lap. "I won't. I promise," Dad nods. "Good. Now, go hang out with Kaori and Hana," I hug him tightly. "I'll see you later," I walk out of his study. Anoki sits on the couch, his leg propped up. "Normally, I'd never... But..." I look at Anoki. "You need to go after them. Mom's still in the hospital. You somehow... came out okay. You need to go after them. You need to make them pay," I nod. "I intend to,"

We're staying in a hotel penthouse until the manor is rebuilt. In my room, I'm packing tons of weapons in a black backpack. "Tazana, what are you doing?" Dad asks as he leans against the doorframe. I sigh. "Dad, I know... you don't want me to... But they are not going to get away with it," He sighs. He grabs my sword and hands it to me. "Don't forget this. Come back in one piece, okay?" I nod. "I will,"

I hop into my crimson Dodge Charger and drive out of town. Once I got 50 miles outside of town, I pull over to the side of the street. I get out of the car and walk to the back, popping the trunk. I grab my sword and a backpack. I slip it onto my shoulders and head to a warehouse down the road. Once I'm within a few feet of the entrance, a dozen of Ketsueki Kama came running, guns pointed at me. I smirk at them. "How sweet of you guys to come to see me. Let me show you my gratitude," I slip my sword out of its sheath. As I do, they charge at me. I slash one down after the other. Once the dozen went down, I walk through the entrance. I dragged my sword along the tile floor. "Come out, come out wherever you are," I speak loudly. "You were supposed to die!" A familiar voice echoes from behind me. We're in a kind of foyer. I turn around, a smug smirk on my face. "Not going to happen, Hakan," Jax pulls out a gun, pointing it to me. "I'm going to make sure you fucking die," I laugh hollowly. "You think that you can destroy my home, nearly murder my family, that I'd die that easily? Pft. You can try, but it won't happen," Jax starts to shoot towards me. While dodging every bullet, I run towards him, bringing down my sword. He blocks my attack with his gun. He has the barrel up against my temple as my sword is pressed up against his throat. Within 5 seconds, Jax sweep kicks at my feet, causing me to fall on my back. The gun is still pointing at me, my sword is in his other hand. "You stupid little bitch," He raises my sword, causing me to wince. He stops midway. My eyes are closed as I wait for the pain to come, but it never came. He looks at me, brows furrowed. "Jax! You caught her!" Will, Jax's friend exclaims. "Who's this bitch?" A woman's voice speaks. From the corner of my eye, I see a black-haired woman. "Az, it's Tazana Tava," She looks at me surprised. "You came alone? How stupid can you be?" Jax pulls me up from the ground, his hand gripping my upper arm. "Lock her up," Another voice speaks. His voice is chilling, giving me goosebumps. 

Jax walks me to a cell type of room. "Why'd you stop? You had the chance to kill me, and you didn't. I'm curious as to why you didn't go for the opportunity," Jax shuts the cell door, his hands gripping the bars. He stays silent and walks away without a word.

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