Chapter One- First Dates

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~Clem's P. O. V~

  AHH!! I can't believe it! My first date with Louis. What more could a girl ask for? I've liked him for a long time, and finally got up the courage to tell him, andddddd : HE FEELS THE SAME WAY! So about a day later, he asked me out. That was 4 days ago.

  Louis is amazing. He's hilarious, even with his stupid dad jokes, the way he plays the piano just sends me, and those freckles, those eyes, that hair!

  I've never actually been on a date.. but I have kissed someone, in middle school spin the bottle. I'm super nervous however, I could barley get any sleep.

  My alarm goes off. I groan and look at the time: 8:15 on a Saturday morning. Louis is supposed to pick me up at noon so I have a while before I have to get ready. I put on a sweater for the cool fall day and head downstairs for breakfast.

  AJ is already up watching cartoons. Mom left for work already so it's just me and him.
"Clem! You're up! " AJ exclaimes. "Could you pretty pretty please make some waffles? " He looks at me with sad eyes.
"Fine... Goofball, " I smile at him.

  I make his favourite: chocolate chip. I also add whipped cream. I eat 2 and so does AJ. By the time I clean the dishes the time is 10:00. I decided to pick out what I was going to wear and get ready early.

  I choose a plain maroon tee with black overalls and rose checked vans. I also add some makeup while I'm at it. I never wear makeup, but it's a special occasion so I put on light eyeshadow, eyeliner, a tad blush, and lip gloss that's already close to my lip colour. For my hair, I wear two low buns. Hmmm... I think as I look in the mirror, I'm missing something... my hat! There! Now my look was complete. I look at the time : 11:13. Well I have a little less than an hour to spare so I just play with AJ until then.

  Around 12 I get a text and I'm pretty sure I know who it's from.
  Louis: I'm here (:
  I'm already blushing. I say goodbye to AJ and leave him with the babysitter.

  I walk outside. Louis's car is a full black Tesla, ugh his parents are rich.
"Hey there Clemmy, you ready for this spectacular date? " Louis asks.
I notice the car. I was hoping we were going to walk. I can't go into the car.. I haven't ever since the accident..

8 months ago

  My father and I (Kenny) were on our way to get ice cream because we wanted to. Every Sunday we spent the day together. God I loved those days. We were just talking causally..
"These days are the highlights of my whole life. " Dad said.
"You're the best dad in the world, I love you so much. " I said back.
"I love you too Cl-"
  Suddenly a car came zooming out of nowhere. Dad swerved and swerved , but we crashed. Right before we crashed, right before he died, he said ,

  That's how I got this scar. Those were his last words. They pound in my brain all the time.
"Hey, are you going to get in? " Louis asked.
Shit, I thought.
"Uhh, wanna walk? It'll be nice. " I responded.
  I haven't been in a car since then. Plus I haven't told Louis. How could I forget!?
"Uh yea sure that's fine it's not that far anyway. "
We started on our walk to lunch.
"You look ridiculous. " Louis said.
I was about to go off on him, but obviously he saw I didn't take the joke,
"Hey jokes! You always look beautiful in everything. "
I blush, "You don't look too bad yourself. "

  Once we get there, we talk more about our family life. Even though we know a lot about each other because we've been friends for years, I never told him my dad died so I went for it.
"Hey so you um know how I told you my dad went into the army? " Clem began. "Well I lied. About 8 months ago, we were driving to get some ice cream, and uh" I started tearing up, "We crashed. He died, and I lived. That's how I got this scar, not from riding my bike. And I have to live with the guilt that I lived and he didn't. I haven't rode in a car since I-I can't. I'm sorry I lied, I just didn't want you to look at me different. "

  At this point I was silently crying. Louis had tears in his eyes. He just hugged me.
"I'm so sorry Clem.. I-I wish I could've been there for you... " He said sadly.
We stayed there for a while, just him holding me, then we forgot about it and continued.
"Ya my parents are never home.. I know it's nothing like your situation just I never see them and it's lonely.. " Louis told me.
This I already knew, but it still filled me with dread.
"Well maybe I could come over more often and you wouldn't be so lonely... " I said half romantically, half seductively.
  As I was finishing my food, I noticed Louis staring at me. I raised my eyebrow at him and he looked down, blushing.
  He really likes me. I could tell. And I really like him. He gives me so many butterflies.

  We walked back to my house laughing and holding hands. I kept catching him staring at me...
"Hey why do you keep looking at me? " I asked.
  He shyly looked down and rubbed the back of his head with hand,
"Well the truth is.. Ever since the day I met you, I couldn't stop staring. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. A-and I don't want to stop staring.. and now that we are dating.. I won't. As long as you don't give me cantaloupe. "
  I stopped walking. We were right in front of his car and my house now. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. I smiled at him and said,
"You took the words right out of my mouth, " Before pulling his lips into mine. It was a sweet and passionate kiss that lasted a few seconds. I pulled away and we started into each others eyes. It was the best kiss I've ever had. I kept staring at him.
"I'm the most beautiful girl you've ever met? " He asked jokingly.
I slipped away and have him a light punch and giggled.
"Thanks for the best date ever. " I told him.
"Anytime darling. " He smiled at me.
"Goodbye, Louis. "
"Goodbye Clementime. " He said as he pushed te brim of my hat down.
I backed away watching him leave in his car as he did the same.

  I walked inside. Darling. The word hung in my head. What a perfect day. If only dad could see me now. He would be ecstatic I found someone to make me happy. A voice interrupted my thoughts.
  "Hey Clem! You're back! " AJ came up and hugged me. "Why were you kissing Lo-"
  "SHH!! "  I told him. "You'll understand when you're older now I don't want mom to hear. " I whispered.
  "Let's go find her goofball. "

Mom was in the kitchen making dinner.
  "Hey Clem. How was your day with your friends? " She asked. I told her I was hanging out with Violet and Louis.
  "Good Mom. " I smiled, "How was yours? "
  "Oh it was fine. I'm making chili dogs for dinner. "
   My mom knew those were my favourite... Along with dad's.

  After dinner, I took a shower and I was getting ready for bed.
  My phone buzzed. I looked at who texted me and a smile appeared on my face.
  Louis: hey there clemmy! thanks for the amaaazzinng day (;
  Me: anytime lou. im here for you when you're feeling lonely.
  Louis: well in that case, im feeling lonely righttt now
  Me: ha   ha. goodnight louis ill see you on monday ♥
  Louis: night clem

  After my conversation with Louis, I changed into an oversized t-shirt and short shorts. I went to bed dreaming of Louis. No nightmares this time.


ahhhh first chapter is out. i probably won't release another one for awhile (even though nobody's reading this) bc im going on a trip and schools starting soon. give your thoughts .... constructive criticism is great along with any feedback.

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