Chapter 8 - Rescue Me

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"So, what is there to do in this town?" I asked Niall. It had been a long week and I need to do something this weekend to relax.

"I don't know. I guess one of the jocks has a party tonight"

"That might be fun"

"I guess" he shrugged. "Pick you up at 10?"



"You going to the party tonight, Andrew?"

"Can't, I've got plans. Are you going?"

"Yeah, Niall's gonna pick me up at 10"

"Tell me everything that happens tonight and don't you miss a single detail!"

"Alright, I'll fill you in tomorrow" I chuckled.

"You better!" He said, headed to the front door where his friends were waiting for him.

I started getting ready for the party and it wasn't long before 10 o'clock rolled around.

I quietly crept outside where Niall was waiting.

"You ready to go?"


"I honestly didn't have you pegged as a party girl" he said.

"I'm usually not, but I had to do something this weekend. This town's too quiet sometimes"

"That's true" he said, parking his car far enough away so that nothing happens to it.

We got out and started to head inside.

"Do you usually go to parties?"

"No" he replied as we went to the kitchen to grab some drinks.

We didn't mingle much, we mostly stayed in the kitchen talking and drinking.

After a while, the kitchen got crowded and Niall appeared to be uncomfortable.

"Can we go somewhere quieter?"

I nodded and we grabbed some more drinks and stumbled upstairs to find an unoccupied bedroom.

"Thank you. I'm kinda claustrophobic"

"It's fine" I told him. "I'm not big on crowds either"

A few drinks later, we were starting to get a little drunk and were joking around a little more.

"So, you mean to tell me, the big, bad Niall Horan used to be a huge fan of the Teletubbies?"

"Yeah, when I was five!" He slurred.

"I just can't picture it" I laughed, nearly falling off the bed. He quickly grabbed me and pulled me back up.

Our faces were inches apart, his arms still wrapped around me.

"You got to be careful" he slurred.

The distance between our faces seemed to shrink and the next thing I knew, I was kissing Niall.

The kiss became very passionate very quickly. I crawled over his lap and started to remove his shirt.

He reached down towards the hem of my shirt, bringing me back to my senses.

I moved my hands to stop him, scared of what he'll see. Before I grabbed his hands, he pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this" he said, tugging his hair. "It's not you, you're very beautiful, it's just... I haven't really done this since... Well, I guess, I don't know if I'm ready to become involved with anyone. I think it's wrong to lead you on if I'm not"

"It's fine, I was honestly about to stop as well"

"Oh? Why's that?" He asked as I raised a finger to his lips to shush him.

"Did you hear that?" He shook his head. "The cops are here!"

Suddenly sober, we immediately stood up and ran to the balcony and climbed down before the cops were able to make it upstairs.

We quickly ran off, making it to his car in no time.

"That was close" he said, starting his car.

"Yeah, too close"

We drove away, seeing some of our classmates getting arrested in the rear view mirror.

"Is that a gift you picked up from partying in London?"

"Being able to pick out a siren from a bunch of noise? I guess, it wasn't from partying though. As a kid, my younger brother wanted to be a firefighter, so we would listen for sirens and were soon able to tell the different ones apart"

"You never told me what happened to your brother"

"It's not something I want to talk about"

"What was it like growing up in London?" He asked after a couple minutes of silence.

"Probably a lot more interesting than growing up here" he shrugged.

"I kept it interesting"

"I'm sure you did" I chuckled.

"Do you ever miss London?" He asked, pulling into his driveway.

"There's nothing left for me to miss" I answered before changing the subject. "Thanks for the ride"

I started to walk towards my place.

"I'm walking you home"


"I'm not letting you walk home alone. It's bad enough I couldn't drive you"

"I don't want to wake anyone" I told him.

"Fine, but you're not walking home alone" he said before we started walking.

As we were walking, my phone started ringing. A London number, who would be calling me this late?

"Hold on, Niall, I gotta take this" I said, stepping about a meter away before answering. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Anastasia Holmes?"

"Uh, yes, this is Anastasia"

"This is Detective Bailey with the London P.D. I'm afraid I have some bad news"

💋 -TVo

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