Chapter 1 - All I Want

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I was quietly sitting in the back of the car, waiting to meet my new family. I wasn't really nervous, I was just calm. That's the way I've portrayed myself after... Recent events.

I was glad that I was leaving London, the last thing I want is to wander the same streets I used to. I don't know how I feel about living in a small town like Mullingar though, it's definitely going to be different.

The car turned onto another street and stopped in front of a large house.

"We're here" one of the social workers said.

I got out and got my suitcase from the trunk before walking with the social workers to the front door.

A couple in their late 30's opened the door. "Come in, it's so nice to meet you" they greeted.

We joined them in the living room as they gathered the rest of the kids.

"Kids, this is Anastasia, she's going to be living with us"

"You can call me Anna if you'd like" I told them before the rest of the kids introduced themselves.

"I'm Andrew, I'm 16" the oldest boy said. He had platinum blonde hair and green eyes.

"I'm Maya, I'm 14" said a girl with dark hair, brown eyes and dark skin.

"I'm Christopher, I'm 11" said a boy with brown hair, brown eyes and glasses.

"I'm Danny, I'm 9" a little Asian boy with brown eyes and dark hair said.

"I'm Britta, I'm 7" a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes said.

"I'm Polly" one of the littlest girls said.

"And I'm Raina" the other said before they added "we're 4 years old and twins" in unison. They're adorable little girls who look like they're from India. They had dark brown hair and hazel eyes and were wearing the same princess dress. Polly's was pink and Raina's was purple.

The Thompson's, my new parents, seemed like nice people. Mark had olive skin, brown hair, brown eyes and glasses. Liana had pale skin, strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes.

"We should probably get going so you and your new family can get acquainted" one of my social workers said before they both left.

"I hope you don't mind, but you're going to have to share a room with Maya" Liana said. "Maya, why don't you show her the way?"

"Sure" she replied before leading the way. "You're gonna love it here, the Thompson's are great"

"This town is very quiet" I commented.

"Yeah, it is"

"Especially compared to London"

"You lived in London?! I LOVE London! Mark and Liana take us on trips there sometimes" she exclaimed.

"Really?" I said, panicked. I don't want to go back to London. I don't feel safe there.

"It's rare, because the family's so big" she told me, making me breathe a sigh of relief.

She showed me which dresser and which half of the closet is mine before helping me unpack.


I know typically foster kids don't leave their home country, but this is a fictional story, so we'll just pretend.😊

Let me know what you think.

💋 -TVo

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