Chapter Four.

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Later that night, Isaac roasts horse meat over the fire. Y/N lays beside the tree with tears streaming down her face in terror. She saw Isaac take the life of one of the horses with her very eyes. She was completely heartbroken and confused of why Isaac did such a thing to a harmless creature.

Isaac stares at her and sighs in annoyance. "Why are you crying?" He asked.

"Th-Th horse! You k-killed it for n-no reason! How could you?!" Y/N sobbed.

"You said you were hungry."

"W-We could've just searched for any berries!"

Isaac sighs. "We only have one horse. You told me we were getting closer to your home. We only have one horse and we have only a few miles left. You'll be fine." He said.

Frustration began to burn in Isaac's chest. He was completely annoyed by how cowardly and sensitive this woman was. He was also somewhat thrilled that he was finally going to bring the woman back home so he could finally be alone again.

Isaac hands Y/N some horse meat in a stick. She looks away and refused to take it. Isaac grits his teeth. "Go on. Take it." He said. The woman buried her dirty face in her hands. "I...I have lost my apitite." She whimpers. Isaac growls under his breath. He just wanted to slap her out of anger. He sucks in his breath and walks away, clenching his fist.

Y/N looked at Isaac's angry face and felt embarrassment and shame. She didn't mean to give him a hard time after what she did for her, so perhaps she thought it was best to leave him alone for a bit. She stands up and walks away from Isaac, walking towards the lake.

Isaac looks at her. She sits down, leaning against the tree in front of the lake, the moonlight sparkling against the crystal mint-blue surface, like diamonds. Y/N picks a tiny flower and began to pick at the petals. When she looks at the lake, she screams, making Isaac jump. Then he realized what Y/N screamed for.

She was scared by her own reflection in the water. Isaac facepalms and sighs in annoyance. He just couldn't wait to get this woman out of his way.

After eating, Isaac sighs and lays against the soft green grass. He closes his eyes in an overwhelming state as he sinks into his thoughts.

He thought about his journey and what would happen to him after he could return the woman home. Perhaps he could find a new place to live and live his life in loneliness? Perhaps so.


At dawn, Y/N and Isaac ride onto the horseback. "We're almost there." Y/N said. "Good." Isaac replied. Y/N bites her bottom lip and sighs. "W-What's a man you doing out here by yourself? I-I don't think it's safe for you to be out here." Y/N said, shyly.

"Why do you even bother asking?" Isaac asked.

Y/N looks down and hugs herself. "I-I just don't know what you'll do when you send me home." She said. "Well, you don't have to." Isaac snapped.

"I-I'm sorry. I just want to pay you back for saving me."

Isaac sighs. "I appreciate your kindness and concern, but there is no need." He said, softly.

"V-Very well..."


I didn't steal anything! I'm trying to learn!

No, Isaac!

Isaac woke up. Sweat was dripping off of his forehead. He looked around himself and saw Y/N sleeping beside a tree. He rubs his raw back and groans. He must've fallen asleep while whipping himself. He sighs.

"It was just a memory," Isaac whispered with a low voice,"It happened a long time ago. It will never happen again..."


"Turn here." Y/N said, pointing at the direction. Isaac turns the horse to the direction Y/N was pointing at. A few minutes later, they go to an opening in the forest and see something.

Y/N's face lit up as she felt the warmth of joy enter her heart.

"There it is! My home!"

Isaac sighed in relief.


Hey guys! Thank you for your patience! Damn, school is holding back so hard. Sorry I haven't been able to update lately. Thanks again for reading. I'll keep going!


°Numb Love° Castlevania Isaac x Reader (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang