Chapter One.

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In a dry, sandy, desert Isaac drinks from a oasis.

He's been teleported to this place by Dracula. Isaac was willing to fight for Dracula's life. When did have to come to this? What did he had to do in order to deserve this?

He was alone now in his thoughts about how he should continue his life,  drinking he water while doing so.

Until he heard the sounds of hooves.

He turns around and scoffs.

"Keep moving," he said, in a threatening voice," I'm not in the mood."

The trio walked to him.

"Oh, what do we have here?" A voice said. Isaac ignores them and takes another handful of water.

"Ah, it's thirsty whatever it is." The front man said.

"There is enough water for all." Isaac said. "Oh, I don't care about all." The man scowled, "I only care about us."

"There will be plenty for you after I'm gone."

"But perhaps we want it all."

The group of men starts closing in on Isaac.

Isaac sighs.

"Yes," he said, "You probably do. Your kind always does."

"I think the desert has left us a little gift, don't you?" The man said.

They take out rope and blades.

"Put a rope around it. Drag it behind us. Perhaps we could sell it at the next town," the man said greedily, "Unless we get hungry between now and then, I suppose."

Isaac rolls his eyes. "Is that really the best you have?" He said, calmly. "Your best reaction to a lone stranger, drinking at an oasis. Call him 'it' and and immediately draw plans to sell him or eat him."

The man raises an eyebrow on his scarred face, then laughs.

"Well, all except this woman." he said, pointing behind them.

Isaac tilts his head and immediately sees the woman. She was knocked out.

She was tied up to one of men's back by her hips so she would escape or fall out of the horse.

"But you don't matter." The man continued,"You don't deserve my best. Your just some drifting clump of shit I discovered on the road and I'll do with you as I wish. Only I and my friends matter. You are simply meat."

Isaac raises an eyebrow and smiles slyly.

"I am not human?" Isaac said, tilting his head forward.

"Oh, I'm sure you're human, Sir Philosopher of The Water Hole." The man says,"I simply don't care."

"Me neither."

Isaac takes out his forgemaster blade and charges at the front man. He jumps onto him on his horse and slits his chest.

Blood pours from the front man's chest, causing his horse to panic. Isaac jumps to the other henchman knocking him off of his horse. Isaac gets on top of him, pushing the henchman's eye in with his left thumb.

The man screams as blood gushes from the injury. Isaac stabs the henchman's neck with the dagger.

The other henchman with the woman tied to his back, lays his hand on his sword, but is killed instantly by Isaac jumping on him and slitting his throat.

Blood pours from his neck spilling onto the woman's clothing. The henchman falls from his horse, bringing the woman down with him.

All of the horsemen are dead except for the woman. Isaac looks at her for a moment. He furrowed his eyebrows when he sees something on her forehead. He kneels beside her to get a closer look.

He brushed the strands of her hair away and sees a bruise beside her forehead. It looked pretty bad.

He sighed.

"I cannot leave her like this."


Later that night, Isaac sat by the fire, eating cooked horse meat.

The woman was still knocked out, laying beside the fire. Isaac takes a look at her for a moment, then looks at the front man's dead body. Isaac sighs. The way he acted towards him made him sick. But looking at his dead body completely annoyed him.

He gets up to walk towards the front man's dead body.

Until he hears a whimper.

Isaac turns around, looking at the woman.

She shifts in her sleep with her eyes moving underneath her eyelids. Sweat rolls from her forehead. Her chest puffs up and down as she breathes silently and quickly.

Isaac walks next to her with a stoic look on his face. He kneels beside her, raising an eyebrow. He puts his hand on the woman's forehead, but to his surprise...

She calms down.

Isaac jumps a bit. He was surprised that his touch calmed the woman down. But he thought he shouldn't get distracted. He had a lot of things to finish instead getting worried about this woman.

Perhaps she was having a bad dream. Isaac thought.

He yawns and walks away from the woman. Isaac walks towards the tree and sits down. As time goes by, his eyelids grow heavier.

Who is this woman, anyway? Isaac thought.

He falls asleep.

°Numb Love° Castlevania Isaac x Reader (ON HOLD)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat