Chapter Three.

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Isaac looks at the shadow.

The shadow doesn't move.

Instantly, the shadow runs away.

Isaac looks at the shadow running away. It was just a creature. Isaac shook his head sighing. But as soon as he turns around...

Someone charges at him.

It was the woman.

The woman was holding a large branch, preparing to attack Isaac, but he had quick reflexes. Immediately Isaac grabs the branch and yanks it away from the woman, making her scream.

The woman runs away in panic as Isaac runs after her.

"Hey!" Isaac shouted.

The woman screams and runs faster, but trips on her gown. She tries to get up and run again, but Isaac pins her hands on the ground by her wrists as he got on top of her.

"P-Please! Let me go!" The woman cried.

Isaac rolls his eyes.

"Why are you running?" He asked, annoyed.

"You kidnapped me!"

"I saved your life."

The woman calms down.

"So...y-you aren't going to hurt me?"

Isaac shook his head.

"Please, let me go."

Isaac rolls his eyes and lets her go. The woman rubs her wrists. Isaac walks back to the campfire. The woman follows him. Isaac looks back and scoffs.

"Why are you following me?" He asked. The woman trembles.

"I...I...y-you can't just leave me here alone!"

"Why not? Can you not protect yourself?

"I've been kidnapped. Please help me come home." The woman begged. Isaac rolls his eyes. He grits his teeth in frustration.

He felt immense pity for the woman. Of how she would always tremble whenever Isaac spoke. How sensitive and cowardly this woman was. It completely annoyed him.

'This woman is pathetic...' Isaac thought.

Of course he knew how it felt to be cowardly. When he was just a child, he was always shy and sensitive. It was all because of the belief of love. That's what got him hurt.

But, maybe he could help her.

He swore he just wanted to shrug it off of him and leave the woman in the forest, but his past kept telling him not to. Isaac growls out an exhale.

"Fine. I'll get you home and I'll leave. Just tell me where it is."

The woman sighs of relief. "Th-Thank you, mister." She said.

"Don't." Isaac spat,"I'm not doing this for you."

The woman jumped in surprise at the man's harshness. She never expected her savoir to hate her too much,so she remained silent.

The woman follows Isaac to the fire. She lied down onto the ground after petting the horses.

Isaac lays down and rolls his eyes.


Later that morning, Isaac and the woman are on the horse. "Go north." The woman said. Isaac rolls his eyes as he guides the horses to move north.

An awkward silence fills the area. The woman looks at Isaac. He makes eye contact with her and the woman quickly looks away. The woman gulps.

"H-How did you save me from those men?" The woman whispered.


"How did you save me?"

Isaac sighs. "I killed those men. They called me, 'it' and decided wether to sell me or eat me. So I slaughtered them all." He said. The woman wanted to thank Isaac, but she remembered what he said to her.



"M-My name is Y/N...what's your name?"

Isaac said nothing. He was completely confused why this woman, named Y/N seemed so scared near him, yet felt comfortable near him? Y/N looked at him with wide eyes waiting for an answer.

She then sighs sadly and looks away.

Isaac groaned.

"Isaac. My name is Isaac."

Y/N smiles. "N-Nice t-to meet you Isaac." She stammered.

Isaac was still confused. Why was this woman being so nice to him? He remembered how he used to act the same way when he was a boy. For millions of times, he was betrayed from his kindness and beliefs in love.

Isaac couldn't argue with her though.

'Perhaps this woman believes in love too...she'll learn soon enough.'

°Numb Love° Castlevania Isaac x Reader (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora