Chapter 1.2

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Maria jerked her head up from the book of poetry she was absorbed in when she heard the horns call out the return of the army. Draco was returning!

She carefully placed a scrap of ribbon to mark her place and hurried toward the walls that would overlook the castle gate. He would need to report to her brother first, but after that, he always made time for her while the army was preparing to disassemble.

Seeing her brother and Draco together always brought happy memories of their childhood to mind. Draco and Cecil we're of an age and always together. Maria's parents allowed her to chase after the boys a little when she had been good and finished her lessons. Her brother typically dunked her in a pond to get rid of her, but Draco always pulled her out.

"We cannot run a kingdom on this, Draco!" Cecil shouted, waving his arms toward the carts covered with sackcloth tarps, each with two guards.

"Cecil, we cannot exist on border raids! Our people aren't warriors."

Border raids?

"King! I am your king! I know best how to rule this nation."

"My King," Draco hissed. "We are broke. This is not sustainable."

"Not sustainable, huh? What about you and this estate you're building for my sister? What would Maria think of her hero gaining his wealth through border raids? Maybe I should lock Maria away until you capture me a real treasure so we can live comfortably for a while."

"King Cecil, you promised to allow us to marry," Cecil said quietly. "I will serve you as long as I live. I just want to give Maria the life she deserves."

Draco also asked, and Cecil said no?

"Good man." Cecil resumed his normal sedate continence. "Next month we will announce the North kingdom is rallying against us, threatening to burn farms, rape, pillage and the like. You'll mobilize the army and sack all the villages on a straight path to Serna. My sources tell me they've acquired enough wealth to last us at least two years."

"My King, North Kingdom is our ally. They're the only thing keeping the East Kingdom within its borders."

"Well, then they won't expect a thing, and you'll be able to take every coin without opposition."

Draco bowed his head, and Cecil draped an arm over the short man's fully armored shoulders. Cecil waved distractedly to the guards who pulled the coverings off and began unloading.

Maria unfroze as soon as her brother and Draco left the courtyard, but the glitter of gold and silver in the cart caught her eye.

She bit her lower lip to keep her emotions in check. Her brother was ambitious and wanted the finer things in life, but he'd never been ruthless. She squeezed her eyes shut to control the tears.

If her bother was using Draco's love for her to force him into atrocities, it was her fault.

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