"Agh probably this won't be such a bad holiday at all!!" I throw my body onto the couch after jumping around, sweat is all over me.

"Probably i should get change, start to organize my suitcase and all that boring stuff..."

A small smile and laughter was made out from my mouth as i tried to get comfortable with the couch. Positioning myself to sleep while looking at the ceiling

The last thing that i hear was soothing sound of fan before i went to sleep


3rd person pov

"...told you that we should get some more cheaper snack than this, liz.."

"Yeah you right but still for a special occasion, I'm willing to buy a lot of more snack.."

"You're making me walk through entire mall and that ain't fun-.."

"i will buy you some drink from starbucks...all my treat!"

She just rolled her eyes while nodding, sign that she agree with that idea. It been ten minutes since they both got home, lazily take of their shoes and put it into some short of container.

Liz and Amanda had just dropped their groceries from the car and there are a lott of snack and beverages (including beer) that accidentally bought by liz cause she is too excited to welcoming someone that going to spend the rest of the summer with her...also amanda. And just for today matter, they had to delay all their activities which is include cmv shooting, patreon rewads and many more. Guees all that going to be pay off by seeing liz shocked face when she sees her lil sis.

(Y/N), who right now sleeping comfortably in the couch didnt notice that there are already a company enter the room.

"I'm gonna put this groceries in the drawer and fridge, kay liz?" Amanda said while she walk into the kitchen, carry the groceries.

"Ahh yes please...and could you bring my ice cream that i eat before we went out? Gonna empty that cup until i satisfied.." liz said with some fire tone. Amanda just yelled 'yes' and continue her activities.

At the moment liz just trying to clean up the living room before her lil sis showed up. As she doing that, she keep imagine what would it be when she finally meet her.

She found herself smiling at the scene, despite her mind asking hope that she doesn't mind me at all

But to her surprise and delight, liz formed a questioning face when she saw some girl who sleeping peacefully in her couch. At first she thinks that probably some intruders who break in into her house (lmao XD) but that change when liz realise that their some big suitcase beside the girl.

M-maybe she is (Y/N)!!

Ahhh i didn't finish cleaning up!

Probably she already think that I'm such a messy person...

Ugh, I'm the worst sister ever !

As liz frustrated by the 'lil sis' matter, she didnt release that her phone start to vibrated from her pocket. Taking a deep breath and finally she answer that incoming call, whose from (Y/N) dad....

"Hey liz, its me you're old dad called you..."

"Dad, you just give me a freaking a heart attack.."

"Haha sorry about that. Sorry i can't see you cause you know-..."

"Yeah yeah i know. The ''honeymoon vacation, right?"

"Yup. Nah im just calling for (Y/N). Are aready meet her?"

Liz once again saw the sleeping creature and smiled as she quited down her voice to a whisper

"Nope cause she still sleeping. Must been a long time that she had to sleep..."

"Oh okay then. Well im counting on you to take care her. She's sensitive, emotional, sassy and she can act stupid from time to time, she's clumsy..." there a quick stop, taking another breath

"But im pretty sure you two going to get along. You both basically have the same hobbies haha..."

"Yeah..yeah dad. I know that and beside...i'll be willingly to take care of her...either way cause she is my lil sister after all~..."

"I know you can do it!! Okay I'm turning off the phone. Had a great summer holiday, my sweet liz~.."

At the last sentence that (Y/N) dad said, Liz just smile happily knowing that her dad still remember the nicknames that he used when she was lil kid. Formed a fist that ready to punch somebody, Liz feels lighten up

"Hope this holiday is going to be a blasts!" Liz said almost screaming but someone might be disturbed.

"Nghh?" (Y/N) daydreaming just a bit, feeling 25% of her soul being pulling back together slowly. Liz who kinda jolt immediately shut her mouth with hand and hiding behind the suitcase.

Amanda that just got back from the kitchen had to hold her laugh cause what she just saw a second a go. Liz hiding behind the suitcase like a little kid. To make sure that everything was okay, she slowly approaching Liz to ask whether she okay.

"Psst! Amanda, be quiet! You're gonna wake her up.." Liz said with whisper tone to Amanda who standing next to her.

The brown-ish woman immediately realise that there a figure who sleeping on the couch.

Slowly Amanda sit next to Liz
"...is that her?" she ask almost inaudible "well yeah, you idiot. And you almost wake her up..."

Liz took out her phone and immediately open instagram and making insta stories by zooming out (Y/N) hair that coming out from her blanket. Well thanks to the almighty thoughtful john, who cover (Y/N) body with a blanket.
Liz make story that fill with her giggling with Amanda from hiding from the one and only... (Y/N)

After finish uploading it, both Liz and Amanda had a little argue about who's going to wake up the girl figure. And their argue cause a slightly loud voice that interrupted (Y/N) sleep.

About to wake up, (Y/N) remove the blanket and do some stretching with her body. Feeling warmer, she looks around and notice that their some new shoes that had been put on the container near the door.

Than she realise the two figure who hide behind her suitcase with a questioning face

"...both are you...who exactly??"

Sorry for any typos

Hiya guysss.
I am pathetic, right? I haven't updated for such a long time. But well anyway, I'm so that I've been slacking. But sorry another chapter is up for you guys. Hope you enjoyed.


The Unexpected Sister || Amanda and Liz X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz